The stereotype is an issue, but the reason that some people find the story offensive has to do with the responses made by some people calling it whining or comparing it to Greek festivals or any other standard ethnic cultural event. Black American culture is rich and creative but also painful and bittersweet. Black history month is not meant to be like most cultural festivals or celebrations because black Americans (whose ancestors were captives) did not immigrate here. Their original customs and traditions were beat the fuck out of them, and killed and raped out of them. Yes, that was centuries ago, but 50 years ago people were still being murdered and terrorized when my parents were alive…
Black history month is American history, and it’s supposed to be used to celebrate the postive contributions of black Americans. Do some black Americans eat the food that was on the menu for the dinner? Yes. But, there is negative history surrounding that food and black Americans because it’s a cultural heritage that they didn’t really choose, and it was even used against them to make fun of them even though it is a common, traditional food combination enjoyed by many Americans. Many Americans enjoy it, but blacks become the negative stereotype surrounding it…same old story. Black bogey man, black coon who sits around smacking his lips on fried chicken and STEALING watermelons are seen as jokes to some people, and when black stereotypes surface it brings all this shit up again. Nigga stole my bike is no different than Niggers are always stealing mah watermelons, you know, cuz they steal stuff. Just be boring and serve mashed potatoes, sliced turkey, and whatever. Neutral meal.