SCART to VGA converter

Is there such a thing as a SCART to VGA that will work with a “non-tv” VGA mode.

I have a passive SCART to VGA adapter, but heard it only works with VGAs with 15kHz Modes.

The “vanilla” 00s era VGA monitor has a 31 kHz mode, but not a 15 kHz mode. Any 15-> 31 converters.

Also wondering about sync differences. SCART uses composite sync, and VGA uses separate Vsync and Hsync.

Any Csync to HVsync converters?

Are most of the details I posted correct? If not, where am I wrong?

What do I need to play SMS, Genesis, SNES, Saturn, and Dreamcast on VGA, preferably without operating on any of equipment?

Dreamcast has a VGA cable out there, both 1st and 3rd party. Everything else needs some sort of device to convert or modulated the video signal.

Check out Retro RGB, they have a website as well as a regular weekly YouTube channel

Well I checked RGB Retro. They only talk about BNC- connected “broadcast monitors”

I have different issues. With SCART, I need a converter to VGA. With a CRT VGA, the pixels doesn’t matter much because VGA CRTs are variable pixel inputs.

I hear scart is combined sync on composite. To get pure sync for a broadcast monitor, I need a sync stripper.

Is it true that _VGA (blank being all future formats of higher definitions based off VGA. I would X, but there already is an XVGA) has separate vertical and horizontal syncs as well as being on separate pins from the RGB? So I need a sync stripper and a “sync sorter” to extract vsync and hsync.

Nothing on mentions that.

Why VGA, because that’s the highest definition CRT I can get? And why CRT? Because milliseconds matter.

It’s not THAT big a cry if I don’t get it working upstairs. I’ll have a retro basement and a modern bedroom studio. No hurries or worries. If I don’t get an answer, I can cope with it.

Speaking of coping: there’d be a good ad campaign.

funny tangential off-topic thought bracketed off for the TLDR crowd

"Can’t smoke while in the office, Cope with it. Can’t smoke with kids in the car? cope with it… .

With Copenhagen chew and snuff."

(This is just a hypothetical campaign out of my mind said as a joke a long time ago, but may be relevant now PS. No tobacco company paid for this comment. So it’s technically not an ad for a brand of smokeless tobacco. WARNING: smokeless tobacco can cause oral cancer.)

Long story short, you need something that converts 15 khz RGBs to 31 khz RGB VH (VGA).

The GBS-Control (a mod on the GBS 2800 or 2820 boards)
The Scart Retrotink with a HDMI to VGA adapter
The OSSC with VGA Adapter
One of the older XRGB units like the XRGB 2 scaller

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