
Any other Vegas going to SB5? Hope I’m not the only one!

Video of German Luger taking a game off Daigo! Some good Vega reppin right here. Had a perfect spot on the couch a couple feet behind the main setup :smiley: I was covering the mic on my phone for the first 3 minutes or so but you can hear after that.


damn man that was good shit!
he got a match off of Daigo!

Nice, but ive always wondered, why does everyone still approach fireballs like it was ST 2? If you have shitty walk speed i understand.

Cuban Ace was there too. Was texting back and forth to him.

Yo I havent heard from cuban ace in a long time…
I havent seen him online either =\

Germannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!

you the fuckin man bro u did much better then i expected :slight_smile: way to repp us XBL Vega players alldayy !

Good shit german luger. Solid vega bro. Taking a game from the beast isnt easy lol

Hot damn Daigo blocked the crossup EX FBA.

That’s because it wasnt a crossup.

Nice try though luger. How far did you get?

I’m here Don, just been busy with my newborn son so I wasn’t as prepared for this tournament as well as I wanted to be. I ended up playing Justin Wong in the SSF4 teams tournament. We were 3-0 and feeling confident till my teammate told me," Guess who we play next", " Team EG Spooky on the stream station". My friend Kheel bodied Marn with his Makoto then got stopped by J Wong. He rushed me down and I couldn’t link shit on that laggy tv." They had 2 plasma tv’s hooked into the same stream station which caused it to lag like a bitch. My Vega brotha German Luger and I meet up at all the same tournaments, we always hang out on and off the site. We got a game plan for the next one, “Northeast Championships”. After that I’ll be coming down to visit my good friend Rugalitarian in Florida and Wolfkrone is coming with me too to answer your question Rugal. All 3 of us talked about coming down to visit at EVO so now we’re making it happen.

Yeah you told me about that dumb TV stream lag. Sounds really dumb… I’m sorry you had to put up with that.
Hell yeah about you guys coming down here! I’m gonna have to show you guys around, and we’ll definitely need to get some matches at my house or somewhere.

your first kid huh?
Congratz man! and good job at the tournament!

Yo wut up. I got third in my pool. I had to face Daigo again in loser’s finals and he took me out. If I had defeated him, I would’ve made out the pool.

What’s good luger! If you remember I was the guy who played you in some casual mirrors on Saturday night