Sauga May 07 Thread



Random skybox/sauga scene reminiscences at 5:40 because I can’t sleep…

There’s tons of inconstencies with timelines, but I really can’t remember too well.

The old arcade next to the theatre. Tons of people always, playing every game. MvC1 on the giant screen, right next to the shooting games on that little raised platform.

MvC2 just showed up out of nowhere one day. There really weren’t too many people playing it, MVC1 had been around for a while, but there was no “scene” as yet. Nonetheless, there was a small crowd around the machine. People would drift in, watch it for a bit because it was flashy, then drift away. Me, James and CQ had been playing MSH vs SF and MVC1 at home for a while now, so we were interested. (I beat them with a game someone left with guile/gief/xxx… they weren’t happy. :D). There were some people who knew what they were doing. There were a couple of Amingos doing huge combos (HOLY CRAP, 12 HITS!!!), and a ton of Guile’s and Wolvies.

The theatre shut down, and the arcade quickly got moved to it’s new location. Even though the location was slightly worse because random people couldn’t see it just walking through the mall, it was in the prime spot to attract the people from Fraser… the moment you walked in, it was right there.

Because of this, eventually the old school Sauga MVC2 crew formed… Clayton, Julian, Matt(not ex), Yuhin, Richie, Dave x 2, Rich, Shan, Chris, Me, Kenan(he came a bit later), Salmon, and 100000 randoms from Fraser. I can’t remember if Ramy was there at that point.

Keep in mind that there were probably two crews… the ones that played in the afternoon, and the people that maybe played only on weekends, or at home. I’m guessing people like Ex_Matt fit into the latter.

Julian and Matt were always using the newest shit… Pyslocke anti air assist, and cyclops into AHVB, etc. Clayton (the long haired goth guy) hated the new top tier… used to beat down scrubs with Hayato, Amingo etc., until one day he just couldn’t win any games, and walked away never to be seen again.

The change guys were also different… there was the old guy with hair, but there was also this tall youngish black guy. He used to be pretty decent at MVC2 too, but just rarely played. I’m guessing he was afraid the manager would see him, so he’d sneak a game in here and there .

I was the first person to use Sentinel in Skybox… he was unlocked the game before my quarter was down, but for some reason the guy didn’t pick him. I lost the game, and though HSF was the slowest super ever. I was also pretty sure Sentinel was bottom tier because he was so damn slow, and rocket punch sucked. Gamepro tier list was the way to go!

Shan was the first of the people who started breaking through the old school untouchables. Cable with Ken anti air assist, shots all day long, and when anyone got near, Ken anti air. (This was still pre-magneto btw…) They actually got seriously pissed off. There was nothing really “cheap” as yet, but it was pretty clear that Cable was starting to dominate at this point. There was rarely a team without Cable in it, even for the scrubs.

Around this time, MVC1 was REALLY popular. Because there were a couple of people who just couldn’t be beat at MVC2, a lot of people just went to MVC1 as the next best thing. Calvin pretty much ran MVC1 with Chun. Strider was also hella popular. Nobody used the secret chars yet.

Umer introduced me to SRK also around this point, but I didn’t realized the Regional forums existed, and that there were actually people from Sauga regularly posting. When I did find out a bit later, it was Azn Rich, Gerjay, Shan, Chris liu, Ex_Matt, Yuhin, and i’m sure others, but I can’t recall. I was pretty big on MVC2, but I was playing A3 on console a lot more, so I was more concerned about finding strats/combos for that in FGD.

But yeah, Gerjay started showing up in the late afternoon, I guess after his school was done. Not many people were there at this time, so I was pretty much his only competition. Magneto’s tempest combos were pretty new, and we’d spent tons of games just trying it out. Gerjay eventually learnt it. Shan and Chris Liu also picked it up pretty fast. The old school heads for some reason didn’t pick up Magneto that quickly… they were already losing interest in the game, and probably just didn’t care enough.

Sauga then held their first Toronto tournament through SRK. I hadn’t found the regionals forums at this time, so I had no idea it happened, so I can’t really say much about it. I do know it was the first tournament we actually changed the machines over to event mode.

The scene was already beginning to change. There were a lot of newer people, but they were all horrible. There was a noticeable difference between the “SRK’ers”, and the people who played normally.

Eventually, the old school MVC2 players graduated from Fraser, and just stopped caring. They’d show up once in a while, but never with the same drive.

Part 2 tomorrow if anyone cares… the new players, the introduction of the CVS series, and the start of console tournaments…

LOL the og sauga days eh, i say its more g’d up for sure now.

dear homie,
i like your car, it drove me and chris around a lot, plus it saved me that one time in some random guy’s basement full of pot, and i remember the time we played mario kart with it LOL, that was dangerous.

ding 48

lol, i remember tat shit. you forgot to mention the cvs1 scene and DDR!!!

haha! You mean “Poeta kart” right?! =P

Yaaaa I love my car but… its gotta go! I decided not to take my dads car. I think its too much for me to handle if anything goes wrong with it so I’m gonna be looking around pretty hard for something else. If anyone knows anyone selling a nice car for around 10g let me know. Oh and it has to be 5 speed =).

HOMIE! Hows the eastern world treating you? Having lots of fun? Hopefully you’re not too home sick =P. When you come back you should come say hi to all us crazy sauga folk considering we haven’t seen you in ages. How are your crazy dogs?! I got a dog… its even smaller than your smallest one. Her name is Beans and she’s crazy.

… Back to work =(

Nice Bry

Seriously man, you gotta go as insane as possible. We need you for Karazhan! When are you gonna be able to get money to get those drivers installed? Are you guaranteed a win at ranbats? I haven’t been following. If you can pay me back soon I can just take your comp in for you and get it done. You would need to go more hardcore than ever before though… x2.

…go banana!

Who’s watching Spider Man 3 tonight?? Poeta James Jigga??? guy???

You actually wanna go at 12? I gotta work tomorrow man =(. Any chance we can just go watch it tomorrow night? I’ll still come tonight if you’re all going but I REALLY would rather go tomorrow… =(

New car for Poeta? =) I can get approved instantly on that I already called. Its only gonna be about 200 a month too! What do you guys think? I think that would look nice and I could toss a system in that np.

…go banana!

i dont’ have much (if any) experience in the used-car market, i’m always pessimistic about it…so i can’t make useful comments. Looks like a good deal though. Should stay in the VDub family and look for that GTI VR6 or something :smiley:

…you bastard.

Ya I looked into a few of them and they’re a little more expensive then I wanted to spend for a good one. Either way, I really like Mazda and if its not a Vdub I’m gonna be happy with that car. I like the looks of it too.

Finish that shit up Anant. I’ll do my perspective on the scene when you’re done.

fucking gold

I’m down to watch spidey tonight

James posts and doesn’t even say anything about going tonight. You shmuck. Whats the deal? Who wants to go tonight?

I wanted to go tonight. . . we saw a movie last friday, and i always thought movies on friday are weak sauce.

btw poeta i just came from an interview for the exact same job as you lol. I’ll know by tomorrow if I get it.


James = Shmuck

lol movies on a friday are weaker than a movie at midnight on opening night? Its gonna be packed. Not to mention that guarantees me about 4 hours of sleep considering the movie is probably more than 2 hours.

Its friday tomorrow tho… I guess I could just drink 6 liters of coffee.



… ya I forget the song from that old school cartoon.

…go banana!

bah no ones saying they wanna go today cept for teddy so w/e.

Thats because people are stupid and they don’t read anything and post random bullshit. James you even posted a vid about spiderman. READ! Do you guys wanna go tonight or not? I really couldn’t care less at this point. I wanna see the movie and friday nights do suck balls for opening movies… especially for something like this.

Bry? James? “Guyyyy!”? WHATS THE DEAL?!

… go banana!

It boggles the mind. James only posts if its about jerking off or some other dumb shit.