[Sat, May 25] Memorial Day Mayhem @ Gamebreakerz (Seattle, WA) - Results!

Memorial Day Mayhem @ Gamebreakerz
Held at Gamebreakerz on Saturday, May 25, 2013
Organized by Shandor M. Collins
Streamed by GameBreakerZ
Community: Facebook Group / Event Page

Full Results

AE 2012 (31 Entrants)
1: Bokkin ($217.00)
2: Finelikewine49 ($62.00)
3: Dickson ($31.00)
4: Duncan
5: tLoz|Kaleo
5: Ceramic Sugar
7: SRKUW|Fawwaz
7: tLoz|Duggish

9: WDG
9: Buktooth
9: SRKUW|Randall
13: Vilmon
13: Scuba Steve
13: Scha
13: Canasian
17: TKD|K-Pop
17: GBZ|Shredder253
17: CPR
17: TKD|Shorjewken
17: Gieft
17: Hokage Dean
17: Serpent
17: Shouta
25: notoriousLEMON
25: Waffles
25: King Shark
25: Vagrantlest
25: Jesse
25: Adanimo

AE 2012: Grand Finals / Top 4 / Top 8 / Bracket

UMvC3 (16 Entrants)
1: GBZ|Shredder253 ($112.00)
2: Huey253 ($32.00)
3: DR|Kyle ($16.00)
4: BG|Rattana

5: DR|All Over
5: DR|Cam
7: DR|Wilson
7: Ar3s
9: LNitrogen
9: Jerome
9: Patrick M
9: KOFNW|Mad Salt
13: Reggie
13: Jesse
13: Buktooth

UMvC3: Grand Finals / Top 4 / Top 8 / Early Play (P1) / [url=http://www.twitch.tv/gamebreakerz/b/408372152]Early Play (P2) / Bracket

INJ (15 Entrants)
1: OBS_TrevarThePastor ($52.50)
2: Reggie ($15.00)
3: DR|Cam ($7.50)
4: Vilmon

5: KOFNW|Mad Salt
5: Huart the Human
7: Lintality
7: Vagrantlest
9: Adanimo
9: Andrew B
9: Serpent
13: GTFO Capcomboi
13: King Shark
13: Sunny

INJ: Bracket

AE 2012 Teams (8 Teams)
1: Pure Garbage 2.0 (Scha, tLoz|Duggish, Finelikewine49) ($105.00)
2: Super Fair Stuff (Dickson, SRKUW|Fawwaz, tLoz|Kaleo) ($15.00)
3: Spartacus BAMBAMBAM!!! (WDG, Vilmon, Ceramic Sugar)

4: TKD|253 (TKD|K-Pop, Scuba Steve, GBZ|Shredder253)
5: Sugar Cakes (Hokage Dean, Shouta, notoriousLEMON)
5: #WhensKOF (SRKUW|Randall, TKD|Shorjewken, SRKUW|BotPM)
7: King of Iron Fists (The Prophet, Adanimo, Serpent)
7: HOP | Sex Relations (Duncan, Buktooth, Bokkin)

AE 2012 Teams: Grand Finals / Top 3 / Early Play / Bracket

UMvC3 Teams (5 Teams)
1: Team Rat Poison (GBZ|Shredder253, DR|Cam, DR|Kyle) ($60.00)
2: Minority Report (SY.Huey253, BG|Rattana) ($15.00)
3: Spartacus BAMBAMBAM!!! (Ar3s, Huart the Human, DatBenYo)

4: HOP | Sex Relations (Duncan, Buktooth, Carlos)
5: #YoloSwag420 (Reggie, KOFNW|Mad Salt, Kris D)

UMvC3 Teams: Grand Finals / Bracket

Thanks again to everyone who came out. This was our buffest AE 2012 tournament since last year’s SeattleVersus EOS 2012 Event, all of our UMvC3 players have really stepped it up these past few months like never before, and we’re also seeing who has been putting in work with Injustice as well. Teams was a lot of fun and we had people watching our stream up until it was over.

Thanks to Shandor for putting this event together (and for cooking us food as well). It was nice to return to Gamebreakerz. The event did run long, for which I apologize for and will take steps to avoid next time. I hope you all had a good time!

If you’re looking for games in the Northwest, make sure to visit the following pages and events!

Community Pages
Seattle FGC (inc. AE 2012 and UMvC3): Northwest Street Fighter
INJ and MK9: Northwest Mortal Kombat
SCV: 8WAYRUN - [Seattle, WA] Ragin’ in the Rain and Pacific Northwest Soul Calibur
KOF XIII: KOF Northwest
TTT2: Seattle Tekken and seattletekken.com
P4U: PNW Airdashers and Dustloop - The Pacific Northwest
VF5FS: Northwest Virtua Fighter
DOA5: Northwest Dead or Alive 5 Community
FGC in the U District, Seattle, WA: Shoryuken UW

Upcoming Events
[Thu, May 30] Thursday Night Fights @ GameClucks
[Sat, June 1] Salem Showdown - Oregon Monthly Tournament
[Fri, June 7 - Sun, June 9] Northwest Majors V