Saskatchewan Players The Time Is Now!

I just finished getting my ass kicked by J wong lol, he certainly taught me a lot and I can honestly say that I have improved a lot with just a single set agaisnt him. We played 13 times and the final score was 9-4 for him. It was a great time and I certainly look forward to fighting him more in the future:)

Respectable showing against one of North America’s best players Rik. Good job.

Thanks man, a lot of the matches were very close with the exception of 1 perfect he got on me lol. His patience is what really set us apart, when he was down on very low health he would just wait for a opening and always managed a amazing comeback. I wish the set was longer because I was starting to get a handle over his style so I will be planning future sets agaisnt him in the future for sure. Ill have the matches uploaded on youtube within the next couple of days for everyone’s viewing pleasure:)

Rik good shit man. Check this video I rented from the local Blockbuster :smiley:

steve / Subtitle movie with BombayTV

I’m just bustin your balls.

LMAO, dude that was the perfect gift for my upcoming bday ha. Oh yeah that reminds me, what hotel are you staying at in cal?

Edit: Well I have a update over the whole hi-tech situation and it isnt good lol. They pulled out of the deal so it looks like HTA wont be happening. Basically they didnt want any price points aside from the regular store fees. They also did not appreciate all the bad rep they were recieving from the community, mainly in regards to the staff and management. The store and its staff was being attacked to frequently and overall was just a big pain in the ass.

With that said I still think they missed out on a good oppurtunity but I understand why they made that choice, it was a bad call IMO and I personally think the game room is being put to waste and could easily house a community but it isnt my decision so no use crying over spilled milk. They were cool enough to at least attempt something with me so I might host tournies sometime in the future.

I tried the university but its not going to work out, there is no space to house console games and they would charge by the hour at a price that is a lot higher then what hi-tech offered. In short, toon town fights is pretty much all the city can hope for as far as gatherings are concerned. It isnt for the competitive gamers such as myself but I suppose its better then nothing, hopefully a good venue comes along someday so that I might be able to build a real scene…but untill that day comes im going to stick to just being a tourny player.

Rik you should look at starting up some online ranbats for Sask players only. Set a day a week for the ranbats to occur. Get players from Regina and Saskatoon to sign up, keep a points system etc. You may not have a venue to build a community up, but online is still a good alternative especially if you keep it in province. Maybe look into streaming the weekly events like godsgarden does to help build up some hype. It doesn’t cost anybody anything and is a good way for players to get competitive experience under their belts.

I’m staying at the Radisson. I have to get my shit together soon cause Novemeber is coming up fast. Happy bday btw!

Shane: I was thinking of doing something like that so maybe Ill arrange something later in the month. With no competitive scene in town it will be the only resort any good players in town have for some legitimate games. Its still a bit depressing that sask will never get something off the ground and to make matters worse I doubt hi-tech will even do a tourny at this point or any sort of advertisement for a community. Even the HTA website is just another device to advertise the store and whatever games mangement decides to promote…and the university will not be happening. To bottomline this whole thing…RIP sask scene…

Raiden: Thanks man, Im gonna check what hotel is closer to the event. Speaking of the tourny, is it 360 or ps3?

Thanks raiden,

rik, i’d kindly say “speak for your own god damn self.”

xbox. And the Radisson is closer. If you come down Friday night there’s gonna be some good matches.

yo, I just lurk forums here and there, so I thought I would bring this to peoples attention in case they don’t already know. The people over at ESC (forums are Electronics Sports Circuit) are planning on being the big canadian gaming league. So far the community is mostly just halo people, but they plan on holding ssf4 tournaments along with other games as well. So maybe you guys would want to check it out, I believe their first event is being held in december, around the 17th in saskatoon. Anyhoo, hope im not being annoying by posting this.

Correct, the Radisson is where the event is being held, you can’t get any closer, but if you want to walk less than a block you can get cheaper.

Not at all mate thanks for posting this, its really helpful information and Ill certainly make it out to this event.

Skull: I was speaking for myself and mainly just in reference to the saskatoon scene. A large community is never going to happen inside someone’s home regardless if its a house or a small apartment. I tried my best finding a better venue but the price points are just not appealing enough that players will come out and for the most part no one is really putting any effort in trying to get something legitimate started so…yeah I dunno lol. Although at this point it really isnt something im going to worry about anymore, it isnt like I need a local scene to prove my skill at the game pr anything but it would have been nice to have I guess.

Rick you bastard! How’s it going. I haven’t been online since moving, but I’m all set up now and J.wong or no J.wong you’re going down :wink:
I’m sorry to hear about HTA. I’m still keeping that logo in my portfolio though, as I really like how it came out. I know you’re probably not coming to the smaller tournament here at the end of the month, but if you could I would defintley recomment coming out to BaseLan in november.

Dude you pulled a killer instinct on me and just never came back lol. Hows the new place I remember you telling me about the move so I hope it all worked out good. Although its all cool now about the HTA though. Granted I was sad over losing it but it just was never going to work out it seems. Between my ex coming on these forums to troll me and the community bitching about the price point at every given momment there was just to much drama for anything productive to come out of it. The store also was not very clear with me over certain details so I had to kind of"guess"my way through a lot of things lol. They were nice of course but just didnt give me a idea over what they wanted and didnt want so there was a lot crossed wires I guess you can say.

Anyhow with no other viable options I just decided its best to quit while im ahead and just focus on becomng a tournament player. I would have come out to the winnipeg tourny but this calgary tourny will have so many high profile players that I cant pass up the oppurtunity. You should come man, we can team up and show the world some gief/fei domination yo. Oh and I gotta show you the matches of me and j-wong and my set agaisnt mike ross that I will be doing today. Ill see you online soon man, oh and thanks for your help though with the HTA I might still use the store to host tournies in the future and Ill try to come out to that thing in november.

You can tell by your post that you’re sulky and mad that no one was interested in your overpriced not-worth-it deal. I don’t come on these forums to troll you. Despite the fact that you will swear up and down that no one here knows anything about games, or plays games like you do, you’re actually wrong. It’s not all about you.

that said…

…You got something right this time!! We have a community. Thriving, and happy. Yesterday, we had 11 people attend our gathering, which lasted almost 8 hours. (There was plenty of space.) So, I think we’re doing alright.

BTW. You wouldn’t like the prices either, if you ever actually had to pay for anything on your own. It’s ok though. SF is still free in Saskatoon!

It doesn’t sound like things failed through lack of effort. I know you tried really hard to work things out. In the end it’s just a loss for Saskatoon. I’ll be leveling up so come November we are going to have to team up. :slight_smile: I’ll see you online soon.

90% of your posts troll Rik, so while you may not actually come here to troll, you certainly spend much of your posting time doing so.

Thriving? When was the last time you guys had a tourney? Are there even tournies in Sask? There is nothing wrong with hosting a small community. If you have fun and it makes you happy, that’s all good. But you certainly aren’t “thriving”.

Yeah. I get sick of being bashed on all the time. So your point is valid. I never really felt the need to do a whole lot of posting, until I felt like I wanted to defend myself.

It’s good because it works for the people who play here. People come out, and have fun. Win. We don’t have big tournies here because there isn’t a high level of competitiveness, and the group is sort of small enough that between this and that, people kind of know where they stand I guess. Most of our players have higher priorities and so, it works for them I guess?