Sanwa & Seimitsu Button Cover Decals

Did you ever attempt the 24mm siemitsu size punch kick decals?

I did not get a chance before I left for vacation. I will be back on Friday and will attempt to cut them then.

OK. Sounds good. Let me know.

How did that one guy purchase a gold shaft cover from you when all I see is button cover decals?

That’s not a shaft cover, it’s just a sample of the metallic gold color

Heck, it looks like a picture of a shaft cover. Oh well…

Later this week I will capable of doing full color decals…that means anything you want on your sticks/buttons etc etc I can do…full color photo quality.

I will get examples up as soon as my equipment and supplies are in.

Nice. Thinking of redoing my practice stick, not sure what color to use though…hmm.

Oh btw another idea for you…covers for the thumps forehead forgetting name its nnot the shaft cover, but the plastic that goes over the hole for your joystick.

  • :bluu:

Yeah…that is a good idea. Especially with the full color I can do now…

Well, here we go. I have made my first set of full color buttons covers and dust washer cover. Now taking orders for customs. These are vinyl just like my other buttons covers, except now they are printed full color…anything goes.

First customer for the full color dust washer/button covers gets a discount… :slight_smile:

Above offer still applies.

I am still around if anyone needs quotes etc. :slight_smile:

Got some new vinyl colors in stock…

Added a few more colors this past week…

How much for custom full color dust washer decals?
And are they precut

Depends on the quantity and image.

They precut and ready to apply, all you do is stick them down.

I’ll have to come up with an image and get back to u lol

Here are some full color decals I did on a laptop.

New item:

Button labels… one set comes with labels for ps3 and xbox 360

