Sanwa & Seimitsu Button Cover Decals

Mirror Chrome, Crimson Red, and Caution Yellow have been added to my colors. I am also able to do full color photo prints on white shirts now as well.

whoa! Waco?! Dude could you meet me up sometime this week? i’d gladly pick up a set in person. Would you be willing to meet around the baylor area?

Yeah, that would be fine. Hit me up @ gammastrikex(at)

Black decals or gray? What say you my friends?

I would go with Matte Black…but that’s just me. :slight_smile:

Buy one get one free on the button covers, today only.

Button covers are now $5 per set, buy one set get one set free.

Above deal is still on…

I am interested in the plungers. It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but do you have both the regular design and inverted colors as well? What is the pricing on the plungers?

Sorry if someone mentioned this already, but I looked and couldn’t find it.

I sell the decals, not the actual plungers themselves.

hey man, im not going against your business, i think this is fantastic, but i was wondering of your template for the buttons available for other ppl? i mean, can i have it? i want to try experimenting on a few of my own images.

I do not share my original work. If you need a template for you own purposes, just measure a plunger and make one.

Can you make button decal covers for 24mm siemitsu buttons?

I have not made them that small, but I could give it a shot.


I would buy some punch kick patterns in black if they were that small. I dont know if its worth it for you to do that. Let me know if you can and want to. I would love to buy a set.


Steven R.

I will make a set tonight and let you know how it goes at that size.

That sounds good. Let me know how that goes.

This is pretty sick! I want some but for what button is what on the arcade stick. ABXY or ^OX[]

me as well. any possibilities?

That won’t be a problem at all? What color were you guys thinking?

The letter area would be negative, so you would see the button color through…