Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT or JLF-TM-8T?

Hi guys i only owned the regular JLF TP 8YT, and i find it awsome…now a friend would sell to me a jlf tm 8t that has 4 x MS-0-3 microswitches with 4.8mm terminals at very good price, and i m building a new cab, so i m asking if there is a big difference between the two stick…i know that is the same stick in general on paper, but having different micro switch, does the feeling is the same between the two sticks? What about the spring? Thank s in advance

The spring can change with age and wear and tear. The Spring is cheap and replaceable.
The Switches are a bit different but not enough that most people will notice.

Isn’t the TM is often used in consumer products that have non-common ground PCB’s, iirc. I know Hori’s line of older HRAP’s on the 360 use the TM.