Yeah sorry no SFIII here, just turbo II and the Alpha series.
It got so bad we even offered to give them nice sticks and buttons to install into the cabs, but the manager still denied it since he thought we’d be stuck up and push over to get “first dibbs” on the games since it was ours or whatever. So sad, but hey we tried.
Oh yeah and a few times when we just asked to fix some of the games just to get it WORKING, they wanted to charge us extra but they never got their way on that.
Anyways, I’m gonna stop bs’ing now since they are an amusement park, not an arcade.
if ur looking for an arcade, SC doesnt really have one. consoles r the only thing out here. cant wait till sf4 comes out. i’m hoping maybe something will start up in here with it
Oh definitely. I mean, hopefully we can get some casuals going on in the area, and if that doesn’t happen- here’s keeping my fingers crossed that online won’t be fucked.
Sorry for the long wait, I’ve been too consumed with Blazblue. Right now, I’m just playing a side of SFIV, but there’s loads of people who are playing that game. But I mostly play GG and some doujin fighters.
My friend is getting his SFIV…along with 4 SFIV sticks. @_@ I plan on crashing at his place day and night. :]
Also, let me in on when you’re available. I’d like to go to Santa Cruz sometime and play a few.
Ah, I see. My friend, who doesn’t play fighters, is making me play FATE: unlimited codes every now and then. It’s okay…fun for a bit, but I always win since the only other fighter he’s played was like…smash.
I’m thinking about getting my ps3 tomorrow if I can get my paycheck in time. But as for being free- we’ll see after this week due to studying for mid-terms. I’m usually free on the weekends if I’m not covering anyone’s shift at the media center because this ps3’s gonna’ hurt my wallet quite a bit.
Anyway, hopefully once sfIV comes out I can meet some of the SC people on SRK.
I guess you could say that, heh. Did I ever run into you at the Boardwalk or Special Effects?
As it stands, my class schedule is kinda like this.
Tues: Could be free
Weds: Busy, but might be persuaded to go to SVGL if I can ditch my last class
Thurs: totally free
Fri: free after 2
That’s what I’m talking about. I’m actually gonna’ skip my night class on Tuesday night to go to Capitola to get it. If you guys wants to set something up that night, I’m totally down.
Unless…gamestop ships it to you that day if you order online? Anyone know how the pre-order process w/ gamestop works?