Here’s the info on this semester’s tourney. Come on out for some fun and good competition. Also you’ll have a chance to win an ipod nano.
Sign ups noon to 1:30pm
Tourneys start at 2pm
Anyone who signs up after 1:30 wont be seeded. If you want to be seeded and can’t be on time have someone sign you up and pay.
Regarding the big screen for SFIV, would this only be for the audience to view? Curious since its hard to see the screen on the current cabs while sitting down to play due to the angle.
I made some edits above, but I wanted to post a seperate reply too.
Prize money split is 70/20/10
The additional screens are for audience only. The players will be using the screens that are on the machines right now. Also, I spoke too soon, the additional screens may not be big screens. It depends on what the A/V department has.
SF4 & BB have Sanwa joystick and buttons. T6 has Sanwa joystick, Happ buttons. The other SF games have all Happ. I’ll be there at the start and through out the tourney in case there are any problems.
All games will be double elimination. If we have too many entries for any game we may go 1 of 1 on the winner side for a couple rounds.
If anything you should just cap the tournament to like a certain amount of entries. Maybe even having another setup may make things go alot easier if anyone wants to bring a console and tv.