for the Stream.
What’s going on over there? Is it worth the 10 bucks? O_o
Daigo money matches are TONIGHT.
OPENING WITH ARTURO vs. DAIGO and a $500 prize.
Damn, I just hopped on the stream as it went down. :sad:
It’s hella hot in there, but other than that, it was fun.
Results from the Salty Suite tournament last night please!
Gamebee beat everyone in the tournament. Marn was second.
Daigo beat art 5-4 $500
Daigo beat kai 5-1 $100
Daigo beat marn 5-2 $100
That’s all I know.
For those that don’t know about the Salty Suite, here’s the video that Gootecks posted up explaining it: [media=youtube]YBAzloKU6_0[/media]
Thanks, Polic! How did Tokido do in the Salty Suite tourney?
From what I recall, Tokido beat Ryan Hart’s Guy, but later he lost to Marn’s Dudley.
A friend of mine just hooked me up with some info from what happened last night which I didn’t know or see. I’m just going to copy and paste what he told me here.
“Yesterday Night, Team Spooky Held a stream and they did a money match tourney, $100 each, and 16 people entered. Gamerbee was fucking “Downloading” everyone and took everything. Last night, some people were giving him the name Gamer “Downloader” Bee. Funny, people were saying that Gamerbee couldn’t beat Arturo’s Rose, and he downloaded her as he did everyone else.”
gamerbee beat daigo in at the salty tourney?
Daigo didn’t participate. He arrived after the tourney started.
yeah i ended up going and that shit was sick.
pretty fuckin hot though, so if you go–wear shorts and short sleeves/bring water!!
Daigo beat Hsien Chang FT3, 3-2.
Hsien was doing pretty good with Dudley with an early 2-0 lead then Daigo downloaded him and beat him 3 in a row.
And shoutouts to combojack, probably the best Sagat in SSF4 that I’ve seen. Had some mad patient when Tokido was rushing him down.
Did Daigo lose any of his MMs?
No. He was close to losing against Hsien Chang and especially Sabin though (I would have liked to see both of them win against him).
I don’t think he money matched Marn (I think EG discourages that for their players, but I have no idea), I think it was a casual thing…
He also played against a decent Juri from Canada I think, who took a couple matches from him but really had no chance. At first there was a Boxer who really didn’t have a chance, the stream frooze during some of that though.
Apparently sp00ky recorded everything and will post it up when he has time. Also, in 720p
fuk dis cat named Paigo
how dat east coast vs west coast fight turn out? or when it going to kick off?
Naw, daigo took marn’s fight money too.
Did spooky stream anything besides the 16-man tournament of ballers and daigo earning close to a grand in free money?
sooooo I guess most of the things Gootecks and Champ said was going down didn’t go down…:(…besides the beast rolling through and collecting checks.