Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Bumping because this is dropping too low on the thread list! HOPE YA’LL ARE READY THIS WEEK!

…I know I ain’t. fffff

We get approximately 400kbps at the venue. It’s pretty bad, you’re lucky we can do anything. If someone could teach me how to iPhone hack (and someone else has an iPhone) we’d probably get better internet through that. :^P

BTW, just talked to Mary and she said there will be a SPECIAL THURSDAY MENU this week. I’m officially curious. So show y’selves up!

Im going with a hungry-er stomach this week fo’ sho!

Anyone feel like sending a cupcake or whatever is on the menu to georgia via overnight mail?

My droid was able to tether but iphones have a block and can’t tether for free. If anyone has a droid, i can log on and get them free tethering apps

Another reminder that I cannot I go to Salty Cupcakes. Why is life this way?

Is there anyone in the North East coast that would be interested in coming to a Skullgirls tournament?

So foreal, if anyone knows anything about piggybacking some internet phone, advice is appreciated. I hear we could have silky-smooth frames and things.

[S]Is it okay to talk about this here?[/S]

Sure, Mr. Console Font, why not?

I live in SC, how far?

Tournament would be in Toronto, so you might have a long drive ahead of you + customs.

I said “North” east coast for a reason. lol I mean, unless you really want to.

Close states/cities/provinces would include (but not limited to):

GTA, Ottawa, Montreal, Michigan, Ohio, Pensylvannia, New York

OH HEY so the patch is out. This means other people can bring setups if they’d like to! FINALLY.

I’d bring mine if I lived a few thousand miles closer…

When would this tournament be?

How about February?

Too soon

2 months is too soon? I don’t have a set date right now, I’m just gauging interest.

Too soon after SoCal Regionals.

Also this means that if the venue has wireless internet, people from the rest of the nation can join in! FINALLY.