Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

He was REALLY enthusiastic about SG before release but he doesn’t play it because button config for pads doesn’t fit his preferences. Mike improved those in patch but as he told us earlier Fanatiq doesn’t look like he is eager to visit Salty Cupcakes. It’s still possible I believe.

Hey, Mike, I have a quick question/ favor to ask. At the moment I only know how to program for gba’s and PC’s, how difficult was it to program for DC? I’m looking into trying new platforms, so any tips would be nice. Also, is there even a DC API of some sort?

Hmm thats a shame if he played SG like he plays mvc that would be awesome. Who knows maybe he might have a change of heart.

KallistiOS with GCC/Cygwin is what I used. It’s super simple, and there’s a really great client that you can burn to a CD which will let you load and run programs using either the modem or the serial port (or a LAN adapter, which I highly recommend you get if you’re serious)…unfortunately I forget the name of the client. >.< The DC was my first foray into graphics programming, and it RUINED me for other graphics hardware. Why? Because the best thing about the DC is the PowerVR chip, which does all the sorting for you - including alpha polygons! Wanna render a complex 3D scene? JUST SEND IT TO THE HARDWARE, in whatever order you’ve got it! But people complained it took extra time and memory so that type of architecture wasn’t pursued further…whateeeeever. I loved it. When I found out you had to do all this crazy business yourself on other 3D cards I was very sad.

Thanks! I’ll definitely look into that. I need to make sure my DC is still working. It was acting wonky the last time I turned it on. Fortunately I can get a new one for about $50 if my old one is broken.

I talked to Fanatiq, he can’t make it because he is going to the LA music awards as a guest which is tonight.
I am trying to get in contact with Rockefeller, maybe I can get him to come.

Y’all doing SC tonight? I need my thursday night entertainment.

I was exhausted and fell asleep mid stream -_-
any big or interesting news?

Announcement soon about patch release date.
EightySixed looking into making some non-affliction shirts.

sweet. I can almost play the patch now. Then I can buy the dlc colors =P


Thanks for showing up and using your celebrity.

100+ viewers!

I only use my powers for good and awesome.

I believe yesterday’s event went swimmingly except for the minor hiccup of laptop change. Stream didn’t seem buggy, we had special guest commentators, stream was interactive, we got on the front page and I ate a bagel with egg, cheese and bacon for $3.

You also ran a special deal that actually got me to buy one of your shirts…

Special deal?

Yeah, 50% off all their shirts.

Thanks for the awesome stream guys! I wait till 3am here for it to start so I can watch Skull goodness! o/

All I have to say now is… Is it Thursday yet?

I want to watch the stream, but I never see anyone using Bella. And then they aren’t all really that good, and then I start getting bored, and then… I start doing other things.

Mike Z >_>

He’s not on all the time. I show up, and then watch an hour of some combination of Val/Par/Pea/Dou, and then…