Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Well you know, with daylight saving time now the time difference is even bigger, it’s late and all I have till SC is Netflix. xP

So come on Mike, wash those curls and GO!

After watching the stream I have learned two things.

  1. My Peacock is terrible. Like worse than I initially thought.
  2. Bdarkay is super disappointed in Nintendo. Let it go man. Let it go. Also play Knights in the Nightmare.


This week the owner of Frootsii noticed everyone bringing in food from other places. They aren’t charging a venue fee, so this is not such a great idea. I know they don’t display the fact that they have food prominently, and the menu isn’t laid out super well, but they have REALLY GOOD FOOD, not just boba and desserts.

As a result, two things:

  • If you want to enter the tournament, it’s still free but you have to have a Frootsii receipt from that day. I don’t expect this to impact anyone. (^.^)
  • In case people are tired of eating the regular fare there, the owner asked about doing special food JUST FOR US, with the usual Frootsii quality ingredients. Like how about a 99-cent TACO NIGHT?! This sounds cool to me, so if this were to become reality WHAT KINDS OF THINGS WOULD WE LIKE?


I guess I don’t have right to vote on this subject since I’m not going to visit US anytime soon but methinks that tuna with bacon sandwiches are the must.

the other day I made a tuna bacon sandwich, and it is sublime.

Seriously, tuna and bacon were made to go together. Much like leeks and bacon. Or brussel sprouts and bacon. Or eggs and bacon. Or sausage and bacon. Or potatoes and bacon.

Actually, what doesn’t go with bacon?

tuna and pineapple pizza, with fries dumped on top, plus mayo.

food of the fucking gods that one.

YES! Carne Asada, chicken, fish (ew) tacos… beans, and rice on the side? Let’s go the whole nine, GET SOME HORCHATA UP IN HERE! That sounds like a really neat idea though. I’ve actually been pretty sad that they haven’t had ham for a few weeks. She made a pretty awesome breakfast sandwich and I’ve been itching for another one ever since. Their turkey is pretty damn good though! Would we want to keep it as a recurring theme, or change it up every week? Chili Dog Night (since they got sweet, sweet hebrew dogs)? Maybe throw in some other items that could be smothered in chili in there.

Seriously though, if there was horchata, I would just bring a bucket with me every week and fill that sucker up.

Get your ass out of here. Fish tacos are amazing.

Well, at least good ones. From San Diego.

God damn this venue sounds amazing. Utterly fantastic hosts.

Ppl actually bringing food from other places when the hosts are willing to go this far? Wtf.

Yeah…I know they’re not trying to be dicks, but that’s a very dick-like move on their part. If you’re gonna spend money on food, why not do it at the place that’s letting you play games there for free?

Damnit, why do you make it even more unbearable that I live so far away :frowning:
I want 99-cent tacos…

Mmmmm horchata… I miss cali :frowning:
Get some orange bang and some tamarind chile mango pops and we in there!

99-cent tacos yes! :smiley: Lots of cilantro, choices of chicken, pork (spicy or not) and asada would be amazzzingg.

They should do carne asada fries too! :] Cheese, meat, onions, tomatoes, cilantro and sour creaaaam <3

btw: gonna try to make it this week. If not, def next week before finals and stuff start dumping on me. Def before NEC weekend!

Can you explain why please, I always felt otherwise.

Hey Mike, gimme a patched version kit so I can do Salty Cupcakes Canada Edition. :smiley: is DA BEST low in the game. The reach on that thing is not to be underestimated. is really good at stopping instant air dashes. will stop pretty much anything. Spikes are actually very good for controlling the opponents approach. Then of course armored moves in general always making reaching out for a hit a risk. I’ve gotten quite a few punishes with j.hp fly cancel One day I’ll remember to super cancel an armored hit for even better punishes.

I guess neutral game is kind of an odd way to phrase it for PW because this is probably where she is the most active. moving/dashing back and forth, fly/unfly constantly, spikes, neutral jumps, super jumps, more fly/unfly. PW can’t afford to be standing still during this. She needs to be actively doing something at all times and be ready to react to the opponents approach. It seems very wild and erratic, but you should be able to have a proper tool to react with in the air or on the ground. It’s also constantly changing the options your opponent has to deal with.

I’m not great at explaining it, but there you go.


I agree with everything you say here, except that many of the things that you state as being good for neutral… Arent in fact neutral tools…

Once pw makes contact with a, hit or blocked… Neutral is over as there is now a pinpoint advantage and an opportunity for pw to do a blockbeater such as a throw or an overhead.

Pw does however excel in putting herself into the thick of action from neutral… So basically she goes offensive pretty well. But she cant actually win any games from neutral (mid) range or longer… She is gong to have to get in eventually in order to do painwheel damage.

Some might see this as semantics, but it isnt and heres why:

If pw can be kept from achieveing near point blank range with a frame advantage, she basically cant win.

Ad when the only way you can win is being up close in the opponents face… I dont really see that as being a good neutral, cause being point blank with a frame advantage is no longer a neutral situation, but an advantaged one.

PW has some of the best approaches in the game (j.HK, j.MP, Pinion Dash xx Lv3), some very good pokes, a projectile, and flight plus fly cancels. She’s good for turning neutral to her advantage, full stage or no. In fact most of the characters were designed to not be helpless at neutral - “helpless” meaning that it is mostly the opponent’s decision whether you reach your optimal range or not, like say 98% of the cast of MvC2 vs Sentinel. Even the character worst at neutral, which I’d argue is Double (even with un-fixed Hornet Bomber), isn’t helpless.

Also this is not a strats thread. (^.^)