Man, I sure hope there’s some streaming tonight!
There will be streaming. Eyo Rusty, don’t forget your CABLES. :^)
[edit] Oh yeah, I’m currently trying to figure out how to put those logos into a rotation in XSplit.
I’m already on the channel… o_O
Primed and ready to watch!
OH HEY so two things…
First, it doesn’t start for like 3 hours.
Second, different channel this week, and will likely be this channel forevermore:
It’s night here already… But I forgot this is WC, things start only after midnight here. But no problem, I don’t have to wake up early tomorrow. I got the day off! o/
Nice to know we have a definite channel! GO SALTY CUPCAKES! \o/
Every week that passes makes me wish I lived in CA.
I guess I’ll be in training mode till the stream starts…
Cable*! I’m staring intently at it right now as I eat my pasta. Body is almost ready! Also I think you can add the photos to the the current frame/scene/whatever and toggle them off and on. I would say create a new scene, but I don’t think we’ll need a “Be Right Back” frame. WE KEEP THIS RUNNIN’ TILL THE SUN RISES (almost)!
Red Leader checking in.
Ill be there in a while. spending some family time before i head out.
How large are the black gutters on the side of the stream? I wouldn’t mind making some art to fill in the empty frame.
Cant make it today
For sure next week. Ill be watching on stream though!
Now I wanna copyright over Mike Z’s nipple meme. xP huahuahua
Stream is super fun, loooove the DLC colors, will be getting them, day 1.
That’s not how it works… they are streaming a 16:9 gamefeed in a 4:3 xsplit resolution, which results in black borders all around the game when watched in 16:9 (like the embedded twitch player or fullscreen on a 16:9display) but only the upper and lower one are actually customizable on their end in their current xsplit setup. Which is why i hope they fix it at least till next thursday since this horrible stream setup doesn’t really do justice to the event <_< Next up are mics and a audio mixer for next week, which should also be given a dry test run before it ends in chaos during thursdays on location setup and then plz bring the tourneys :3
Good times are being had. Learning more
Edit: Just got back home. That was really good times. Though i lost hard several times I had tons of fun and learned some new stuff. cant wait for next week.
im currently sipping on some Honeydew boba frapp
Yeah, okay, for next week I’ll figure out how to make the broadcast 16x9 and expand the letterboxed portion to take up all of the screen, sorry about that…but it ain’t gonna be high-res because we already have an SD cap card and I’m not sitting on piles of money. :^P
Also remember, the internet connection we are dealing with might make it choppy if we up the resolution and that is why we lowered it, but we will definitely try to make it as high quality as possible! Xsplit also only lets you do up to 25fps if you are not a premium member -__-
24 frames a second is film/bluray frame rate and 12 frams a second is the lowest decent frame rate, so thats not a problem.