Salem Showdown June 1st

New Oregon monthly tournament to replace the best bout events.

ADDRESS: 1255 Satara Ave NW, Salem, OR 97304

(360)KOF 1pm
(360)AE 1pm
(ps3)Tekken 2pm
(either)Injustice 4pm
(either)Marvel 4pm

Marvel and AE are $10 entry
Injustice - I’ll leave it up to people if they want $5 or $10
KOF is $5

Venue Fee: $5 (or $10 if you want unlimited homemade cookies/food/ non-alcoholic drinks) Jenny will be cooking!

If there is enough demand we can add Virtua Fighter, Skull Girls, and/or Persona to the list too.

Initially, we’ll need some extra setups - so if you can bring one, we’ll waive the venue fee and may even toss in a cookie or two. Currently, we have 4 monitors, 2 ps3 and 2 xbox that can be used. Please contact Martin before hand about bringing a set-up.

NOTE - This venue is small, so PLEASE be considerate of others and use extra deodorant. Pleaseandthankyou (Jenny)