Sakura Mind Games

Really? I do this all the time.

You’re saying its too risky? I usually do it immediately after a j.HK or j.HP. Usually I do this after I know my opponent is attempting an OS grab. It typically makes them whiff a or c.lp. This allows for me to attempt a frame trap or tick throw.

I don’t remember you doing that combo a single time when we played. Not only that, you stopped more than half of your combos and did tic throws.

oh like an instant overhead? I dont even know if that works on every1

lol its a free escape i always tech even if im hit

Well, when was the last time we fought? Months ago. I’ve been trying to fight you recently, but you won’t fight me cries

Sakura’s nj.HK has good vertical reach. So, it can be tricky.

Lol. It’s not like I’m ducking you. I’ve just been terribly busy at work (working overnight and shit). I’ve barely played since the last time I played you. Let me know if you wanna play right now (read body me lol).

Can’t as of this moment. Will later on tonight though.

Instant overhead is punishable on hit and should only be used for 1 hit stun or to end a round. Just neutral jumping in strings is generally a bad idea against anyone worth their salt (unless you’re making a really good read.) Even if they’re teching and end up whiffing a short, most characters will have plenty of time to AA you. There are much, much better ways to deal with teching.

Somewhat on topic… I’ve recently decided that I really like setting up otoshi x 2 > whatever ambiguos / safe (hitbox) jumping fierce > instant overhead for the one hit stun. nomnomnom.

Got a vid showing this?

Nope. Pretty self explanatory though. They block a jumping fierce, and you do a jumping hk immediately when you land. They block stun of the jumping fierce (which they have to block standing of course) is long enough to keep them standing for the jumping hk to hit. It’s fuzzy guard.

If it doesn’t stun them or kill them, you get punished. Count your stun.

Sounds very risky (on the exception of maybe a few chars with low reach)

Sure, it’s a little risky. Just like any instant overhead. It’s also pretty risky for your opponent to not be blocking low after your jump in connects, hence why it usually works. How often do you block high immediately after you block an opponents jumping heavy? I’m guessing very very rarely, if not never. You’re crouch blocking so you don’t get hit by those crouching shorts. Again, I only do it for the one hit stun or to win a round, as otherwise it’s punishable on hit.

I also like doing ex tatsu, j. hk to reset them, and instant overhead when they land, or resetting them with a cl. standing mp or flower kick to instant overhead. Those are even riskier though, because people like to mash dps when they get reset. The blocked j. hp > instant overhead is a true blockstring though, so they absolutely have to be blocking high or they’re getting stunned and i’m winning the round.

EDIT: And I’m pretty sure you can make a meaty lvl 3 fireball after otoshi x2 > jumping fierce a true blockstring also, so once you get that otoshi x2, you can pretty safely set it up such that the only way they can get out of just having to block it properly would be to do an invincible reversal through your fireball, which should leave them open to punishment. Otoshi x2 > backdash > level 3 hado > jumping fierce > instant overhead j. roundhouse.

Interesting. I’m going to try that. Unfortunately, people are playing sfxt, so there’s fewer people on-line with AE

walk up into combo after a meaty lvl3 fireball is one of the most powerful tools you’ve got. once you train them to do nothing (after they have been hit by the fireball/had their reversal punished), you can mix up throw and overhead. walkup beats the responses to both of those, figure it out :slight_smile: