Sakura Combos - School girls hit hard! [Updated: 03-01-11)

Rog still has a funky hitbox. s.LP>s.MP link is weird in that the MP is a far one, I just did it on Ryu and it was a close MP every time. I never bothered to notice it til now, I don’t know how badly this affects her, but who knows what else they’re cheating us out of.

The Rog matchup is hard enough as is :sad:

Obvious Thing Joe Found: nj.HK>c.HP>LK Shunpu>s.LK>EX Shunpu doesn’t seem to work reliably, the LK always seems to be too far away to connect, but yet I did it on Ryu about five times in a row easily.

I was practicing that combo and messed up my plink when I discovered that a will somehow link after a light tatsu on Juri, but only from far away. Same combo Skatan Milla mentioned but rather than the last c.hp. also works.

I did it several times to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating, and I always use auto block.

well i think lk shunpu has better frame advantage in certain situations.

i.e. a wakeup lk shunpu hit is really easy comboable into cr.hp i don’t know why though.

well i think lk shunpu has better frame advantage in certain situations.

i.e. a wakeup lk shunpu hit is really easy comboable into cr.hp (i don’t know why though.)
same for s.hp,lk shunpu into cr.hp (feels easier to combo the second cr.hp for me) compared to cr.hp,lk shunpu,cr.hp
or crossover lk shunpu into cr.hp

Hey guys, couple annoying things I can’t seem to shake with my Sak play.

the - c.lp - c.hp - EX tatsu I can’t seem to land.

I can do to c.lp and c.lp to c.hp but I can’t get the whole string to work in succussion. Can anyone explain how to hit this with ease?

Also I switched to a TE stick earlier in the year, sometimes when landing my EX Tatsu combo’s at the end of the combo an Otoshi will come out instead of a Tatsu. Is this an error on my part? Am I buffering the Otoshi without even knowing?

Here’s one of my favourite combo starters:

ch st.hp, x hp sho - 322dmg

ch st.hp, x hp sho x fadc, cl.hp x lk shunpu, c.hp x hp sho - 494dmg

ch st.hp, x hp sho x fadc, cl.hp x ex shunpu, dash, u1 - 601dmg

Maybe the wrong place to ask but it may help if you slow down your inputs for the first two hits. Use the c.LK and c.LP to start a rhythm for the c.HP to follow, I’m always counting 1-2-3 in my head when doing these links. It’s a pretty easy link in the grand scheme of things, if the c.HP isn’t coming out then slow it down, if it’s not comboing then speed it up.

As for the random Otoshi, I get that sometimes if I try to rush the motion after moving forward. Most of the time you have more time than you think to land that QCB motion so try not to rush and if it helps hold the stick in the back position when you push the kick buttons rather than releasing. The sticks are kinda sensitive so if you quickly move it to the side the release it just as quick it’ll bounce into the opposite direction and get unwanted inputs sometimes.


How do you fish for that? After a standing jab?

just found an interesting combo. cr jab, cr mp, st jab, cr mk xx hp shou (insert fadc combo if u want)

I also have trouble with that one. Sugami’s advice is good and should work. Getting it to work involves making sure that you are linking the into the c.lp and not cancelling them. This is why you -> c.lp -> c.hp and not just -> -> c.hp. I found a pretty useful video on youtube about this here: [media=youtube]6lYsUZGF3VI[/media]

Hope that helps.

well c.lp gives way better frame advantage

Yeah wonder if that was a typo since c.LK can’t link into c.HP :stuck_out_tongue:

c.LK > c.LP is a 2-frame link I believe, doesn’t matter if you chain it rather than linking since the c.LP > c.HP link isn’t as strict, it’s just there as a guide so even if you don’t nail the timing on that “link” if it helps get the right timing for the true link then it’s all gravy.

Yeah I was kinda surprised to find that c.MP is +3 on hit (methinks), even back in regular SF4 too so it’s nothing new, just not all that useful I guess but pretty funky nonetheless :rofl:

Yeah after a blocked standing jab against people that tech fast.
Against people that tech slow it’s better to use a well timed cl.hp instead.
It can also be used as a counter poke against certain characters, and if it connects ch just tag the x hp sho on, it’s an easy ch confirm.
It also works just as well with instead of st.hp.

It’s usually a sign you’re hitting kick too early in the motion or not going all the way to the back position. Otoshi will almost always come out if you buffered a forward motion in the last second and clip the Tatsu in the down-back position.

idk if anybody post this already or not, but i was just messing around with sakura in training mode and found a pretty sweet combo into ultra two. its ex hurricane kick to to ultra 2. its pretty cool cuz the jumping fierce kick resets the combo so theres no damage scaling to the ultra. but is this basic knowledge that everybody knows im sorry. lol im a scrub.

he can block if im not mistaken

whoops ya your right he can block lol my fault

Ryganwa/Sugami, thanks for the tips. I’ll try slowing down my inputs.

Sugami the 1-2-3 counting worked for that combo. I can finally hit it now.

ByeBi nods for the vid. Thanks.

A new blockstring I’ve started using is, c.lp,
The purpose is to have connect as a counter hit, if it does you can tag on x hp sho (2f link)
On block it’s neutral, so you still have options of pressing an offensive.

skatan have i ever told you how awesome you are?