Best bet would be a PSN port or a Wii Classic Console port. Although I have no clue who owns the rights to this game now, since I’m pretty sure Angel is now a defunct developer, so it might not happen. Best hope of that happening is to see a Sailor Moon revival in Japan or something, but considering this only got released in Japan, I’d say it’s very unlikely we see it over here. Best option is a PSN Store port, get a Japanese account and PSN card to buy it.
<%SpiritJuice> man last night
<%SpiritJuice> me koogy and yipes
<%SpiritJuice> played sailor moon
<%SpiritJuice> for a few hours
<%SpiritJuice> shit was actually pretty fun
<%SpiritJuice> yipes actually really likes the game
<%SpiritJuice> haha
Is anyone playing this on zbattle or any other online SNES emulator? Been wanting to get into the game for a while.
If I could find a decent emulator on Linux with online, I’d be into it. I’d love to find one with Kaillera but so far have been unsuccessful. I’ve came into an XP desktop, and my wife has a Vista laptop, so once I can get online with the desktop, I’d like to try playing online with Sailor Moon S. Me & Bious tried to play before, but our emulator versions didn’t seem to want to play nice. Don’t know what was up, but let’s give this a try soon.
My home internet should be turned on soon crosses fingers
Was supposed to be turned on today.
And shouts to Yipes for knowing quality games.
I need to figure out where I can buy the cartridge so I can legally stream the game on FinestKO.
I bought my copy on ebay. You should be able to find a few on there easily.
Don’t see any on Ebay.
I do. This is the cart you want. I own it so walk in certainty that this is it.
Scott, isn’t this it?
EDIT: Wow, me and MP posting the same link 1 minute between each other.
I had the search done and ready two hours ago, but my school is doing a sports day here, so I had to go outside.
But yeah, doubtless this is it. Like I said, I own a copy myself (it’s currently being stored with my SNES and other old systems at my mom’s house in the US), so I know a copy when I see it.
Thanks. Will buy it soon.
Sweet, I for one am hyped. Get people hooked on this game.
Finally played some of this tonight. So good.
Jupiter feels like Zangief on crack. Sucks that lariat doesn’t go through all projectiles (makes Uranus and Mars really annoying to fight), but her projectile game is pretty good, 360 hurts (and guard cancel, this fucking game), and if you can hit that crossup, that’s 75% of your health gone. Thunder Dragon is cool, but it seems like you can’t hurt before the beginning of the round, hurting some of its viability.
Mars is pretty cool. Two projectiles and an easy bnb work together well. Easier to play than Jupiter.
Not just Uranus and Mars. Neptune’s projectile also falls into her hurtbox when it hooks low.
And charge moves don’t charge before the round starts with anyone. I think this really only effects Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus. I think those are the only charge moves in the game, but I can’t remember. This is less of a problem if you learn how to cancel her air projectile off backdash. That is a great mechanic in this game that can really only be abused by Moon and Jupiter.
Also, Jupiter’s lariat is fun to apply wakeup pressure with. Especially in the corner. LK version does decent chip.
Holy shit how have I NEVER seen this fucking thread.
I went in pretty hard on this when my friends played
Neptune is gdlk. Walk up throw/dp mixup all dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Wow, you pretty much spelled out my strat with Neptune. That and WW-style LP fireball trapping.
She’s not even my main though, or at least I don’t consider her to be, but she’s brutal when played right.
The best part is you can kinda just ignore guard cancels from most of the cast the only ones that can potentially blow you up imo are Mars/Jupiter
I must be missing guard cancels in my play. Going to have to work on that, I don’t think i fully grasped they were there. Time to hit the lab.
GCs are amazing for some chars (top 3 lol), not so much for others
gc backdash is universally good, but you can get blown up for abusing it.
A lot of my matches are just me getting a kd and doing stuff to bait them (short strings, whiffed normals, etc)
My opinion as to why Uranus is low tier:
Doesn’t have much in the way of mixup
fireball game isn’t terribly scary
having a forward dash (gc baits yayyyyy, fullscreen grabs yayyyyy) is nice until the other guy realizes he can hit you out of it on reaction (awwww)
The infinite is pretty much her selling point. Otherwise there’s not much reason to play her when other chars can do what she does much better.
Backdash cancelling out of sweeps also isn’t too bad a technique…to a point. Until people anticipate it, and throw out projectiles to punish. But that in itself isn’t anything to worry about with Sailor Moon or Jupiter if you can cancel your air projectiles out of backdash. Jupiter’s HP air projectile is a move I rarely use for offense when I play her as much as I do as a “get out of getting hit by a projectile” move.
Of course, Sailor Mars tends to like that.
And that’s actually a pretty fair analysis on Uranus. Usually what I see out of Uranus is baits to set up the infinite, and that’s about it.