Sagat Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Hey, my brother has a really legit claw and can izuna drop me over and over again. basically if he gets a knockdown the round is over…

Just wondering if anybody knew anything that sagat could do to get out of an izuna drop trap.

Is anyone willing to play some matches online vs chun li. Gamertag ludthinks.

Dude, I feel your pain. You just have to do a really, really, really late Tiger Uppercut. But remember that he is going to be crossing you up also which will probably mess up your inputs to get a proper shoryuken motion. So, my advice is just mash from :db: to :df: and hit :lp: as soon as he’s about to grab you. Remember to use :lp: because it’s less horizontal than :hp:. Also, this Izuna Drop loop only effectively works when you’re next to the corner. Midscreen, it should be a little easier to escape with the late Tiger Uppercut.

And honestly, it feels that even when I do this correctly, I still get caught sometimes. But just keep trying, as it’s the only escape! Well, I’m pretty sure you can do a late backdash also, but that’s going to be very difficult to do as you can’t just mash on it; you have to time it late and you have to input weird directions because he’s crossing you up.

Thanks man, I’ve tried to DP him before but never tried the downback to downforward auto-correct DP before.
EX TU will get you out of the initial izuna drop but leave you open for him to get another one on you.

I’ll mess around with other things and see if anything works out.

does anyone know wtf to do again Ken’s crossovers?

Cross ups?
Block or try for an auto-correct dp.
You cant really dash out from under cross ups with sagat, you could absorb the cross up with a focus attack and dash away but that often leaves you to be punished so I wouldn’t suggest it.

Just block and be ready to tech a throw, and or smash with a dp if they do the jab jab jump over jab jab jump bullshit.

I have a question

For kara canceling the tiger knees and uppercut which one is better? F-HK or F.LK?

Like is there a bigger differance between the two? like window timing or combo ability and such?

I can do both well its just I feel like there is no point to the F.HK except for tiger shot canceling.

Hk is faster

Hey any suggestions for doing sagat’s crossover ultra on the right corner?

After you start the focus, try to tap F before doing the qcfx2.

Against Claw and Izuna Drop, crouching fierce works pretty well.

hey guys how do you focus ryu’s low forward fireball when in block stun, thanks.

If you are in block stun how can you can focus?

He might mean when at a bit of distance, there’s a gap that you can focus between ryu.s>hadouken since it isn’t a tight blockstring. If you’re at that stage you can focus dash forward crouch jab>low TS or low TS EX, since going for a TY would be risky since it isn’t guaranteed you’d catch him on the recovery (Sagat’s slow dash, TU 5 frame startup, etc.) Alternatively you can focus on the, let go immediately, and backdash. If he tried to hadouken it’d be a counter-hit crumple, if not he’d be hit anyway with a level 1 focus since you’d catch him in his frames of

I know what he meant. I wanted him to flex his brain a little so he could understand why or why not he is able to FA a fireball at certain distances after a poke.

Edit: Sagat’s dash is 18 frames. Not slow at all. That’s the average speed.

thanks guys!!!

His backdash is quite garbage though.

sagat wins!!

What’s the timing for the HK Kara uppercut I can do the tigerknee but I can’t do the Dp consistently

just input it exactly as you would a TU except push rh as youre pushing forward