Sagat Primer

I’ve been mucking about with Sagat a bit lately, personally I don’t think he’s a complicated character to use. You need good timing and you really need to time his uppercut late but…

Anyway I’ve written a basic primer for him, so if anyone new is interested in giving him a go and wants to have a read it’s here:-


This would probably be better placed in the Sagat Thread.

Also, there are some odd bits of incorrect info in there. Some of it is probably just typo material, but then there’s also stuff like the Uppercut hitting multiple times, which is just untrue of HDR Sagat.

That’s wierd - I thought the classic mode hits about 5 times off the ground and HDR it’s like two or three? Am I getting confused here? I have been using Classic mode to experiment with the differences.

Ahh, there’s the source of the confusion. In ST (classic mode in HDR), N. Sagat’s Fierce Uppercut hits multiple times, while the jab and strong versions only hit once. In Remix mode, all uppercuts are only one hit. You’ll definitely need to make that specification though, since there’s lots of differences between N. Sagat, O. Sagat, and Remix Sagat.

Smokemare, I hope you read through the Sagat threads both here and in the Vanilla ST forum first…just to confirm information and such. To not do so would be to overlook TONS of good info.

And yeah…this should’ve been in the Sagat thread (and possibly the gameplay thread if you wanted to clue in people that don’t read the Sagat thread.) For more info, read my guide on posting (New to the forum? START HERE!!!).

Sorry about that, I have made the corrections. I read all the character threads on here. I think at the moment I’m focusing on getting good basics for all the characters and then i’ll add advanced sections later.

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