oh ok anybody know any good tactics with p style sagat i am pretty good at parrying and defense stuff but when it come to offense i suck badly i can see attacks comeing but i can’t do anything about except for parrying and kicking
oh yeah i have capcom vs Snk 2 evo so this might be different
Good fucking lord man. THERES A FUCKING SAGAT BOARD POST IT IN THERE. Seriously man, you made those fucking posts about the chun and sagat shit in the other games forum and you still haven’t fucking learned? Enjoy your mother fucking ban.
Enough is enough I want these mother fucking ‘06 tards off my mother fuckin’ board.
What the fuck is CvS2 evo? Do you mean CvS2 EO for Xbox? The Xbox & GC versions are garbage, if you want to play CvS2 for real get either the DC or the PS2 version.