Sagat is disappointing

I like the fact that sagat was taken down a notch, that makes me have sweeter victories now without people bitching that i won because Sagat is top tier…damn scrubs. Only the worst scrubs complain abou tiers. If you complain a bout some cheese then thats a bit less pathetic, but complaining about tiers is fucking lame.

Not sure what it is you’re asking…
Are you asking if the only thing I care about is people hating on me? Cause if you are, no. I’d rather they just didn’t send a message at all, makes them look like they are crying.
Hell, I came back online 12 hours later and the same kid started sending me messages again. It’s just annoying really.

Now, if you were asking if the only thing I care about is the achievement, for ranked matches yeah, more or less. However it does give me a reason to try every character and maybe find out if I find any of them fun.
So there are several reasons I play ranked at the moment. Achievement is one. Finding out if anyone other than Abel is fun for me is two.
Once I get the achievement I’ll probably not play ranked matches anymore.

I just placed 3rd at a local tourney down here… got beaten out by a Rog. I was disappointed i didn’t do better tbh. Sagat is still strong, but man… the Rog match is a test of patience.

Ever noticed that all charge characters are a test of a patience to fight against?

Name one who isn’t.

They’re (except for chuns, for the most part, and some dics), like this: hold d/b, react to opponents moves.

Guile, Honda, Blanka, Claw, and most recently Deejay… All a test of patience.

Dhalsim’s the only non-charge character that also requires tons of patience to fight against.

After a short time away from Sagat (and trying Ryu, Ken, and Gouken) I am ready to give Sagat another chance since I am the most familiar with him. I am not going to win that many matches with Sagat as Dictator or Boxer (my other main/alt) but I have lots of fun with Sagat so I’ll stick with him for now.

sagat needs more dmg with angry scar…it needs more % in damage and it should also work with tiger knee & ultra

but, it does 180 dmg (for HP TU)

That’s a fuck ton for 1 move. I’m just going to assume you’re joking.

180 is what it did in vanilla… and is less than his EX TU which costs the exact same number of super meter. If the move had more application, I’d appreciate it much more, but it’s a pretty poor move, and his tiger upper is not nearly as threatening. It is still very absurd that his normal HP TU does less damage than Dan. I would take a 150 damage TU and no Angry scar any day over 100 and an angry scar. OR, make his AS act more like Viper’s siesmo cancel, or make it an evasion move like it was originally rumored, or even if it gave him back his vanilla st lk for like 20 seconds, it’d be a better move

Come to think about it, if ex tu really does more dmg than 180 for the AS TU, why the hell do I even bother using AS? With the exception of using AS EX TU but that’s 2 bars that could be more useful for other setups.

Hey guys,how much damage was pre-patch the following combo: high step kick-AS EX TU?Now it does 340+,well worth it i say.Now that i think of it u can follow with ULTRA 1 quite easily for additional damage

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If you mean in Vanilla, there was was no AS move. AS was added in SSF4.

The ONLY reason I use AS is if I have time to charge it up and I am going against characters who have really good moves with hyper armor and I know I won’t have the reactions to TK them online. Those characters being like Boxer, Abel ultra 2, gouken with his air armor absorb move, and that’s about it that I can think of. I really don’t have the execution to attempt it mid combo yet, but even if I did, I’d only use it to show off to make my opponent think about wtf I just did.

Same as before. That damage didn’t change.

Thanks EL,i was under the impression that it was the AS EX TU capcom patched in the update.As of my join date, i may be new to SRK but not that new not to know that sagat had no AS in vanilla SF4!Speaking of AS,i charge it up all the time when i have 2 or more EX stocks.Seriously guys,give a try to the combo i posted awhile ago(the one with the tiger knee FADC-AS TU),444 dmg of a jump in is pretty much in SSF4 with all the damage nerf across the board