Hes not terrible , but it hurts my soul now whenevr I do tiger knee. The nerfs were not needed in that department.
Actually as far as normals go he has some of the best buttons in the game. Sagat’s footsies aren’t bad cuz of his buttons they are bad because of his walk speed. Sagat has a button to stuff every normal in the game from other chars. Stand forward alone rapes 90% of buttons from the other characters.
See now ignorance of Sagat’s buttons just makes me hate this community even more.
Actually IMO Viper’s normals are just as good or even slightly better than Sagat’s now. A cancellable c.MK that ducks under a lot of things is really good and her c.MP buff along with her fast walk speed makes her stronger in footsies than she was in the last game. I guess pound for pound Sagat’s normals are a little better but the amount of damage C.Viper can land for hitting a counter hit c.MP or any type of c.HP is pretty scary to deal with during footsies.
Hahaha!!! LMAO!!!
Whoever said Sagat has the worst normals in the game obviously doesn’t play Sagat.
hmmm lets see, someone wants to jump in…well besides TU you have S.RH & F.RH. If its a jump in around your head S.MP
Spacing now hmmm Oh yea!!! Cr.Fierce, also S.Mk, S.RH, S.Lk, S.Fierce.
Basically Sagat players will have a much harder time to win without using his normals. So if you refuse to ignore the fact that he DOES have good normals. You’re gonna lose a lot.
I didn’t say Sagat didn’t have some good normals overall his are worse then everyone else. Most if not all of the dominant characters in this game Ryu, Cody, and Guile for example have great jump-ins who wouldn’t want to be able to do it back it just makes sense. I’m easy to please however if they let Sagat’s jumping towards forward kick hit all crouching opponents without changing anything else then I would say fair enough
Sagat’s jump ins are fine wtf? You are moaning about stuff that isn’t even true. His normals are good and he is a counter poking machine.
GG’s yesterday EB, actually learned some things from you
lol. You completely reaffirmed why I hate playing in front of other Sagat players. From our first match to our last your fighting style completely changed and you absorbed alot of my shit. It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but damn I feel so dirty when a Sagat emulates me. Like I just got played out or sum shit.
I found it hilarious when we were trying to figure out maximum punishment for blanka’s U2. I think I just tried to jump into it once and just ate it lol. right now my punishment is block and ex fireball, too lazy to go training mode to find out haha. But it’s useless on wake up though O.o.
The first hit of blanka’s U2 is jumpable which would get you in closer an allow for bigger punishment.
I am pretty sure if you are close enough you can jump the first hit and the second kicking him out of the ultra on the second jump.
Meh. First time I just jumped it then did Kara TU. I wasn’t phased by the Ultra since I know I will take at least 15 losses before I begin to figure it out.
is this still possibly in super? if not how do you combo into ultra 1
naw i wasnt joking lol but it might have gotten confused. i meant fwd.HK fwd.HK…thats not possible in super like it was in vanilla. i mained him in vanilla now ibuki is getting all my attention but i feel like picking up sagat again since hes so familiar. does any one have a list of what combos arent possble any more?
He has fireballs which is basically about it, tiger knee has good priority also.
Double forward rh is still possible. Your timing must be hella trash or something.
all the combos are the fucking same, only difference is low tiger doesnt juggle anymore.
i rape low tiger shots
i seen him do it O.o
Don’t worry, Sagat will still get hate on being ‘top tierest’ as I found out today.
Just ranking Sagat to C rank for the achievement and got massive hate aimed towards me for using him.
So you can at least look forward to that if you win a game.
Is that what you care about? Damn there are wierd people
Who cares if people hate? scrubs will hate on almost every characters, just ignore those retards