His super is very unsafe on block, so I think this would not help much. Safe-jump OS super would work, to avoid canceling on block.
I thought the point was to complete the super motion during the active frames so that if it connects the hit/blockstun animation occurs your super input doesn’t happen.
You need to make sure the place you’re getting meat from doesn’t use chemicals and feeds their cattle with natural food. That’s the safest way to know you’re getting your meat legit.
The shoto’s have a pretty good cr.MP for a meaty as well.
old shotos n their meaty cr lk, the whole leg is a red box!
also some shotos use either st mp or st mk from mid distance which if oponent reversals, it will stuff it, not very effective but useful vs players who love to reversal every knock down.
EDIT: Someone sabotagin Old Ryu’s crouching lk in the ST) wiki:

Old Ken’s cr. lk is fine:

the actual old Ryus pic:

Sorry, I didn’t make myself clear. Kara cancels are evaluated immediately and will always come out whether hit, blocked, or whiffed. Therefore, the special to be kara canceled into needs to be something safe on recovery like claw’s backflip or a light dp of some sort.