Sabrewulf Ragged Edge ender bug

Hey guys.

Here’s a strange bug I found when using the heavy Ragged Edge as an ender in the corner.

The opponent is usually meant to be shot backwards when hit by the fierce Ragged Edge, in the corner it causes a wall splat, allowing Sabrewulf to keep the opponent grounded and unable to wakeup attack. From here, you can go for his Run into overhead/low, or his uppercut which is only -3, that catches out a fair amount of people trying to press buttons. But the important thing is they’re still being controlled by you, rather than them being given wakeup options.

The bug that this video shows is what can occur when this move hits, sometimes Sabrewulf also gets sent backwards, removing any kind of momentum or space that you managed to control by ending the combo in that specific way.

The distance can vary, I have been sent completely fullscreen at times, and sometimes I don’t get sent far at all.

Hopefully this gets hotfixed at some point, it would be a shame for something like this to occur when the stakes are high.

Recorded using the Xbox recording function, it was a more straight forward way to capture what was going on, as I wasn’t recording or streaming.


  • RZR|CG Ketchup

I’ve noticed the same thing happen when you counter break from a shadow ragged edge.

It’s as though the opponents char. coninues to move as they were being hit by the shadow move, but wulf stops. weird. It’s nice if you miss the counter though as it’s nonpunishable from most of the cast.