Overall I think they’ve done a pretty good job balancing the game with this one exception. I hate to say it as I love this game so much… but this move is about as broken as they come and in the hands of a good player just becomes stupid. It’s got the biggest hitbox I think I’ve ever seen… 360 degrees and MASSIVE. Seriously - check out the hitbox in practice mode for it… you will laugh! ZERO startup frames - none whatsoever!! Oh - and is 100% invulnerable to everything. It also does a whopping 20% damage on its own when pretty much every other shadow move does around 10%.
If you want to have some fun… Sabersulf’s dash forward - which by the way also has invulnerability frames, goes through people and is easily the best forward dash in the game when combined this move provides a GUARANTEED hit.
If you are crouch blocking like normal then Saberwulf dashes through you and starts the Shadow Eclipse… you are getting hit. You can’t even switch which direction you are blocking! When Saberwulf gets a knockdown and starts dashing back and forth on wakeup things just get stupid.
The best move to compare this to would be Sadira’s Shadow Recluse… because supposedly they serve the same type of purpose… however hers only hits in front of her - a simple crossup attack will cause it to whiff (heck in the corner it doesn’t even need to crossup) has a 4 frame startup… which means you can easily just hit a jab or use ANY meaty move to completely stuff it… and only does 10% damage.
This move needs to be nerfed fast. It’s just too stupid. Give it a 2 frame startup at least and reduce the size of its humongous hitbox! It will still be a crazy good move. If I’m crouching and you dash to the other side of me I should at least be able to switch which directions I’m blocking - it shouldn’t be this guaranteed nonsense. With how fast meter is gained in this game in a typical match with a decent Saberwulf player you always lose at LEAST 1 full life bar to this move every game.