sa1xxsa1 >.>

so i got it to work at full screen with dudley,urien and elena, and close range in the corner who else does it work on does anyone know offhand?

I am sure it also works on Ken in the corner. But I wouldn’t really use his SA twice.

yeah, i was just saying that it worked and was neat, also it works on ken full screen too. but i think it only does like 48 dmg or something hella weak like that jumping rh. > >rh. flashkick does more dmg i think.

The only time I ever do the double SAI, besides the obvious ‘cause it will kill him’, is if you get the super in the corner with a crouching opponent that’s big enough to get hit by them all. Not only do you get the 25% bonus damage, the delayed hitstun lets you get a flashkick in as well.