'Gief vs Ryu…
Oh… good grief.
'Gief vs Ryu…
Oh… good grief.
how would go about doing c.mp, c.mk, super?
since you have to have empty buffer the first qcf after the c.mp, it seems like its possible to negative edge a fireball on accident because of the link timing. I’m thinking that you would probably have to do something like:
c.mp and hold, qcf, d+mk, dfwd, fwd+ release p for negative edge version?
I read on the ST wiki that ryu’s c.lk, c.lk, super even when perfectly time doesn’t work 100% of the time. Is it even worth trying w\ those circumstances?
is close s.lk, c.lk, super a more consistent method for doing his short short super?
No, it isn’t.
Can anyone tell me how you s.HP xx Super ? I’ve seen it done but I’ve no idea on how it’s done.
:tup:I posted it somewhere else in this forum, but I can’t remember where so I’ll just explain it again. In order to cancel a s.Fierce into Ryu’s super you have to have failry quick input. The motion is dn, dn/twd, twd, (pause), s.Fierce, dn, dn/twd, twd+P. This does work (you have to do it this way with ken in order to score a 7 hit instead of 6 hit combo b/c a c.fierce won’t be confirmed). Anyways the hardest thing is the pause. You need to pause for just a few frames so that a hadouken doesn’t come out. It gets easier with a lot of practice, just like most everything in life. Post again if that’s not clear enough.
Thanks ! can’t seem to pull it off yet though, I get a s.HP into FB or into DP, seems I’m doing it too slow or missing the timing.
It’s way easier to cancel from c.MK into super or from c.HP into super. IMO
I just noticed what I wrote time ago (probably at 4 am or something). While it’s still possible for the super to miss, st.short, cr.short xx super is pretty reliable, and I’ve had it done to me before, if anyone’s wondering.
question which color Ryu is good for a beginner?
Smart players, beginners and pros alike, choose Sherbert (Orange) :tup:
No, most newbs should harness the Turtle Power lime green Ryu for best results.
What does it matter? If Gief blocks your DP you’re getting tossed no matter which strength you did.
On the topic of close st.Fierce xx Super; I’ve never managed to do it, but I’ve had it landed on me off a crossup in a match… it’s not fun.
I’ve been trying to improve my ground game lately (some really damn good players on Kaillera are telling me not to jump)
So I’m trying to learn myself out of jumping on instinct to chain bread and butter jump-ins which I go for alot of Jump in HK, crouching MK two into one into Shakunetsu Hadouken for knockdown.
This only seems to be effective when the opponents dizzy.
So someones been teaching me a low-high mix up
That utilizes to use F+MK overhead into crouching HK for an easy 3-hit knockdown combo, then do cross up HK into standing MP two in one LP shoryuken.
Most of the time during my cross up attempt the opponent backs away leaving me wide open for an anti-air.
So I’m think of brushing up on my long distance game, Is it possible to link overhead F+MP into crouching MK canceled into Shakunetsu / Shinkuu Hadouken to push opponents away to get optimal distance to start a Hadouken trap?
I’m trying to get better with Ryu and he is my main, I’ve learned the F+MP overhead into HK sweep from the Wiki, I figure if anyone has any more extensive strategies for me to try, Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
A couple of my favorite bread and butter combos are late j.fierce, st.fierce xx hadoken
j.jab, st.fierce xx hadoken
j.fwd, cr.fwd xx hurricane kick
Also, you shouldn’t be crossing up if you have to cover that much ground to your opponent, especially if they’re standing. If they’re getting back up, I like to short hurricane kick towards them then j.hurricane crossup…You have to be just the perfect distance away from them in my experience though.
But I’m a scrub, so I dunno.
Hey guys. I hope this is the right place to post this. I’ve recently started playing after being away from the game for quite a while. I’ve spent the last week in training mode practicing Ryu’s moves, and am comfortable with everything except the Shoryuken. I cannot do this move, my completion rate is about 3%.
Anyone else have trouble with this when they started out? I’ve spent hours practicing this, and don’t seem to be improving. Is it a matter of persistence?
Any tips would be mostly appreciated. BTW, I’m using a shitty ps2 controller.
Shitty PS2 controller? Nonsense. I play with the PS2 controller.
Just practice it. Make sure you’re hitting all 3 points (forward, down, down-forward) and make sure you’re hitting the punch button as you come to down-forward. When you’re inputting the commands think of it…Kind of like the letter Z as to how you should move your thumb/hands.
some things you can try
i’m mostly a ryu player, and here are some tricks i use:
upon a knockdown: crossup j.roundhouse, lk hurricane kick over them, and throw. most of the time people block low so you can hurricane kick over them. just something different to do. let’s you keep a little distance for more hadokens, whether they tech it or not
meaty c.forward to either c.stong/c.forward + hadoken: good to use to challenge someone’s reversal dp: if they don’t time it well, they will get stuffed. if you know they are going to dp, it might be better to just back up when they wake up and let them whiff(this is more for shoto vs shoto)
vs. guile: if i play a guile, and he likes to jump, use s.roundhouse as much as you can: it beats or trades with his jumping attacks and keeps him away. it’s a lot more convenient than using a dp. i have way more trouble with guiles that don’t jump, and out do my hadokens w/ toward+fierce(his superior s.boom recovery time). if you’re going to jump-in as guile, don’t kick if you are in ryu’s dp range unless you’re sure he can’t dp you. just empty jump-in and stay close and pressure.
vs. gief: make sure you take advantage of c.short, so you don’t let him own you in footsies all day. use your dp’s wisely or get spded and killed.
and sometimes, walk-up throw wins matches for me. that’s probably my fav way to win when its a close match.
Killajules: You want to be a dp master?
When you’re practicing, never do the same thing more than twice. eg - don’t just dp over and over.
You’ll want to incorporate this shit:
advancing dp - dp while walking forward
retreating dp - dp while walking backwards
crouching dp - dp from crouch
footsie dp - dp while moving around, no matter what situation you’re in
Just start mixing it up. At first, you’ll probably want to He-Man it (put a little bit of force; not tension, into the motion). After a while of doing it like that, without thinking about your input, it will “break in” so to speak.
Practicing your dp like this will make it easier to dp out of tick throws, dp through fireball traps, dp through cr.rh fireball, dp jumps on reaction, reversal dp on reaction…etc.
I use a ps2 controller and I have a harder time doing DP’s from the right side. I figured out it’s because of the way I hold my thumb on the d-pad. I don’t have it straight on there, but rather pointed up-right. Trying to correct myself but it’s hard to change.
Thanks for the tips guys. I’ve been practicing quite a bit, and am getting the hang of it. It seems I need to do the input a lot faster than other special moves.
Yates; I will practice all these things. I was just dping over and over, and it gets a bit boring (after like 600 dps ).
Thanks again
Another question… I am currently unable to play against any human players. Will I be able to learn and use some basic strategies playing against the PS2? Or would it be preferable to set up some sort of multiplayer so i can fight other beginners.
You’ve got PM!