Ryu Mixups

I was thinking about all the useful mixups that ryu has. Please help me think of some ideas everyone, other than the ones I’ve already gotten here : P

Sweep Knockdown Mixups:
-Safe jump heavy tatsu (cmk hado if blocked; meaty hado if succeeded)

-Safe jump (empty) into clk x1 clp x1/2
–Walk back cmk hado/ex hado
–Walk back whiff lk, cmk hado/ex hado (footies mindgame)
–tick grab
–Walk forward (ft) cmp cmp sweep
–Walk forward (ft) cmp cmk hado/ex hado

-Safe jump (empty) into overhead (risky)
–Walk forward, followup with (ft) jabs/grab (risky)
–(ft) cmk hado/ex hado

-Safe jump (empty) into grab / delayed grab

-Safe jump (empty) into meaty cmk hado (ex hado to push away)

-Safe jump hp/hk/lk into:
–tick grab
–delayed cmk hado/ex hado
–clk x3 (ft) cmk hado/ex hado (unmashable string during clkx3 against reversals)
–into jabs, walk forward tick grab
–walk back cmk/hado (same as delayed but gives better spacing against characters with godly jabs like barlog and chun li)
–walk back whiff lk cmk hado (footies mindgame)
–clp cmp/cmp cmp (ft that combo)

-walk back fireball (meaty) – 100% safe if not in dp range - chip dmg

Grab Knockdown Mixups:

-walk back safe jump into options listed above

-walk back crossup mk into options listed above

-walk back fake crossup mk/hk into options listed above

-walk forward safe jump meaty jabs/cmk/cmp into options listed above / grab

-walk forward light air tatsu (cmk hado if blocked; meaty hado if succeeded)

-walk back lk into options listed above

  • Safe jump (empty) into meaty cmk hado (ex hado to push away)

After a Safe Jump HP or HK, most of the time Daigo walk a tiny bit foward eitheir follow by a grab or a frame trap c.lk.

He has other mixup but he seem to use this one most of the time. I gues its effective :slight_smile:

mmmm… maybe these apply to Evil Ryu as well

Yeah. Daigo absolutely loves the clk x3 into cmk.

@Shadow VII
I think Evil Ryu has some mixups using his axe kick. I’m not sure. But personally, I don’t like evil ryu because he doesn’t have akuma’s demon flips D=

Oh and these are just the obvious ones that don’t use bar. Another common mixup I use is meaty jabs, walk forward, dp fadc ultra

I personally like some of the throw mixups I use like:
Empty jump throw
J.mk > throw
J.mk > cr.lp > cr.lp > throw
Crossup > cr.mk > cr.mk > throw.

I like to mix things up and throw in the middle of strings.

OS tech beats out most of the mixups you said. They are good mixups, except for cr.mk-cr.mk throw. You are leaving too much time to walk up. They could just jab you out or randomly dp you.

I personally like doing a cross up into Cr.MP then grab, if you hit confirm you can go for a better combo if you want.
Or if you get a knockdown on them with a shoryuken, I like to walk on them and right when I see them getting up I do Cr.MP a bit early if it hits I go for a combo or grab, if they block I go for the grab.
I also like to jump in with J.MK then cr.lk, cr.lp then grab… something simple.
Also whenever they are really low health say like 5 %. I jump in with that ambiguous J.LK. Shit is too legit especially in the corner.

also dont forget the air trick,meaty crossup HK ground tatsu.

Are you talking about the Air mixup? The one where Ryu does a normal throw->whiffs jab dp->rh tatsu? Or back throw->fwd dash X2->rh tatsu?

yeah the one air does

Ryu’s mixups have already been figured out by good players. The crouch tech traps can be tough to deal with but they’re obviously not exclusive to Ryu.

Anyway for completeness sake, here’s a few more.

After b.throw:

  • dash, mk tatsu = “unblockable” (can’t crouch unless they hold df, standing x-up block only)

After f.throw:

  • backdash, j.hp (+OS) or air hk tatsu for a front/back mixup. If the tatsu connects then at some ranges and quick-rise timings you can jump and do hk at the last moment to catch them crouch blocking, or just empty jump into cr.hk or cr.mk xx ex hadou, to catch them standing, or if it’s far enough you can even just whiff the j.hk and go into cr.hk (obviously don’t do this if the opponent can anti-air you)
  • (in the corner) whiff st.hk, j.hk/lk for ambiguous x-up setups

After empty jump (works best with x-ups):

  • :f: :d: :df: lk + lp. will tech if they try to throw you on landing, will DP in all other cases. make sure you have meter to FADC in case they block

Some really nice setups here… I’ve been enjoying playing Ryu recently, and will put some of these to work for sure…

These are some really good changes. The light fireball makes it easier to bait people for anti-airing & can setup for some good setups. The heavy fireball is awesome. If anyone doesn’t mind, can anyone list the combos that they have that goes around the 300ish other than the ones that I’ve found? I understand his neutral game & how plays. Now I’m working on his execution barriers for combos (punishing, tech, etc). Or just his best ones & best knockdowns/setups (Have some but just listing the damaging ones)?

Jump HK cr.MP cr.HP xxHeavyDPxx
Jump HK SHK xxHeavyDPxx
Jump HP SHP xxHeavyDPxx
Cr MP Cr HP xxHeavyDPxx

j.hp, cl.hk, c.hp xx hk tatsu against Gief etc
j.hp, cl.hk, s.mp xx hk tatsu against Rufus
j.hp, cl.hk, c.mp xx hk tatsu against Yun/Yang/Chun
j.hp, cl.hk, c.mk xx hk tatsu against Ryu etc

It’s a mindfuck because people don’t realise you’re comboing it.