Those updates were universal advantage yet another universal update debuff Ryu accidentally, while he is already stripped a way from his UMVC3 given updates. The thing is the Hadoken they should have done something for Ryu to compensate directly like they did to Thanos, Arthur and Ironman.
Don’t waste your breath, ume-scrubs always know everything before it happens.
Not an ume-scrubs didn’t even know daigo nor valle existed before I’m into following this brand of fighter and that character.
The projectile deflect already prove the point and even the comments and reaction on this thread by different people to drop or replace Ryu for a better character already solidify my point even further better than any kind of suggestion here.
That how you gather reliable and truthful information/data to emerge from misleading and bias opinions.
The projectile deflect is just another quickfix that is a lazy and bad design of counterplay that is intended to deal with a situation that affect everyone universally that isn’t even a threat. They should have deal with the situation directly rather than lazy fix of an assumed possible threat.
And we all know that it is a fact that RYU is updated from MVC3 to UMVC3 that makes him better the his MVC3 counterpart that is lacking, boring and uninteresting.
Morigan got something unique and exclusive to compensate the new projectile direction. While Ryu has been debuff from some usful buff from his UMVC3 counterpart and his new beam hadou isn’t a comeptitive strategy other another like Baku hadken level of fancy what if condition of why never msde it to use.
actually looking at ryus air shinkuu hadoken recovery god damn, does that mean they took out those shinkuu hadoken links i did in all my combo videos back in the day as well?
Idk man, that dp looks pretty damn good…
Air shinkuu is more on using it into air combo stuff. The DP in versus will never be good becauseof the risk.if LP DP is comboable that would be good not theHP DP that is uused very occsdionslly.
Morigan projectile buff is in fact so useful. That we willsee to often in play.Ryuneed a decent tool thatmakes him not easily predictable or underestimated because of easily anticipated attacks
Any risk of punishing dp is nullified by tagging. It also reaches pretty high and covers horizontal ground as well. Like I said before, pretty damn good. If he has a comboable light version then even better.
So the laser/beam that is senationalize is really another just fancy move like Baku hadoken unlike Morrigan buff that is seen better and usable. The current video proves my point earlier. The beam is not the help that Ryu’s gameplay needed to be essential to his characte. What Ryu need is a projectile advantage utility that will be seen often in matches like the current Morrigan diagonal projectile update or an additional mobility option like Arthur, Thanos and etc buff in the game that this mentioned characters would utilize more.
This is not something special and everyone can do the same better than HP or LP DP without no risk of predictabilty and has more combo potential advantage. It is in fact that the tag advantage is a recommended universal strategy to everyone else to utilize and not even an exclusive or innovative to Ryu in this game because it is everyone’s universal tech in fact other characters can do better to utilize tag advantage with their special moves even further than what many is said to the DP with Tag can only do and offer in this game, So it is not worth it as a “promoted stuff to compensate with projectile deflect” and a trade to the lost of many UMVC3 Ryu buff updates or TVCU Ryu mobility updates that he should have kept like the Hado Kakusei, Ren hadouken or an Air dash.
Spamming HP or LP DP then with predictive tagging is non-sense to Ryu because Ryu is build as a character to utilize projectile in a safe and better advantage than the others while while the current Morrigan build in MVCi that is diagonal projectile seems to do justice and compensate to the environment and the new gameplay mechanics in MVCi that will likely see a lot in play, So that mean Capcom can do also better to Ryu than many people here in the thread said earlier.
Morrigan had got the new diagonal projectile will see much in game.Capcom did something not just universal but useful and exclusive at the same time to many characters but Ryu, I believe this kind of people would still say he is better and enough even making Ryu loose more potential in future versus games that is to come than what he had less by now . Because this people that speaks about Ryu is enough are those that never concerns his character, has no real faith to his specials or never trust the character build. That they see him as a replaceble and disposable character for better means.
Not everyone has an invincible dp…and so far no one else has one that covers the space that Ryu’s does. Just face it, man. You’re complaining for the sake of complaining. Classic dedicated main syndrome…just wait to play the game first.
It’s not about the Dp especially the HP DP which might be the possible invincible one like I said its the most risky because of the recovery and predictability. If were talking about space using HP DP that is assumed invincible all the way up but not after that’s not a Ryu thing in this game there are more sensible choices of special move from other characters that can control space even better without even utilizing the tag mechanic advantage that can lead to consequences of predictability and lose of recovery life.
Nah I’m not, We could always pull a whatever calling or justification but yet I am not bias to a certain playstyle or asking for dominance, I’m not asking for thing that weren’t done in the past or will break even him to other character what I am asking is to return something in the previous that never lead him to became a dominant used character. Nah dude I’m not biased to a specific play style because the Morrigan update and the projectile deflect in MVCi and even previous Ryu design in TVC and UMVC3 proves that Ryu need something to compensate in this game more than Morrigan.
I never complained about Ryu since Sf4 development and in fact I’m just asking for something he was in the previous 2 games in order to compensate with the unnecessary and bad counter play design projectile deflect that is a quick fix for Morrigan. If something like projectile deflect would be in future SF i would really complain because it isn’t near the brilliance of parry or even focus attack. The new gameplay mechanic is a radical change that serves no strategy and that also obviously directly affects RYU core play style. This is also why people here are keep on mentioning Tatsu and HP Dp or even the beam or just dropped him because they have no faith with Ryu in this game especially his projectile that is an obvious meh now.
It’s already obvious and undeniable because of the radical change directly affects Ryu playstyle and the videos never reveal something to compensate. The new projectile deflect is pointed out to deal with a possible future threat by likes of Morrigan but instead of focusing on her to kept those minimal they rather choose a quick fix that affect everyone instead. And Capcom already had given her a direct attention to compensate with her for the radical change in the gameplay environment that directly affects Ryu more than Morrigan. If Capcom can do something for Morrigan to compensate with and even “they consider her as threat” why can’t they do something for Ryu that isn’t any threat at all and all that Capcom did to Ryu was to strip all his UMVC3 and TVC updates along with the destruction of his core play style because of the bad counter play design.
Just give him and air dash like TVC and he will be fine.
It’s absurd that Chun-Li always has Air Dash and Ryu doesn’t.
Chun Li is traditionally known for aerial movement even in SF so it makes more sense for her.
They can find a way for Ryu to be a strong, ordinary man
Yeah in this game that everyone is exaggerated and power levels isn’t a concern.
SF can easily be exaggerated it just need a creative mind like Capcom used to have unless they just unless intendtionally taken for granted because UMVC3 done it.
Chun li was ordinary yet the strongest woman in the world… Chun li is a martial artist Ryu is better than Chunli
Akuma Ripping Ships and Islands with a single or two strikes with bare hands.
Hado kakusei is better than SNH Ryu that is Akuma not in Oni form.
Yeah they did it for Ryu in UMVC3 and Ryu with Mu Hado/Hado kakusei.
Ryu can even dodge point blank bullets or block them with his bare hands.
Projectile Durability, Air Dash, Wall Jump, Hadou Kakusei, Denjin Hadouken, Ren Hadoken, Shakunetsu and Fist of the wind. The thing that Ryu can’t do is fly and triple jump.
Fist of the wind and Denjin Hadouken is interesting because it stuns or crumple your opponent.
Actually logic doesn’t really matter in this game, everyone is blocking adamantium with bare hand?
Ryu has been blocking sharp objects and doing it for years even before other marvel characters being ported in a capcom crossover game.
The thing is the character is taken for granted even with all UMVC3 influences already and the after the projectile deflect that is unnecessary projectile deflect that change the fundamentals and playstyle.
I always wished for evil ryu to be in mvc. then they would have to give him more stuff. probably even a tri dash. if that even exists
Make ryu great again. Srk fadc for no meter isn’t enough. He needs a no recovery shinkuhadoken to stand a chance.
That implies Ryu was ever great in Marvel to begin with.
Hado Kakusei/MU Ryu is all he need to be from UMVC3 and have Air dash like in TVC.
Chris g knows the way of ryu.