Hey, just bought this game and I’m pretty new to street fighter in general. I have a question about Ryu’s hadoukens and that is: What is the difference between the flaming and regular hadoukens? To me they feel the same, but I’d like to know if they have different startup/recovery times or something like that. Obviously they have different knockbacks but other than that is there any difference that would make one worth using over the other?<br>
Hi, welcome to HD Remix and the forum! :) I don’t use Ryu but I’ll try to answer your question.<br>The red hadouken sets the opponent on fire when it hits, and knocks down up close - as seen here in this combo video:<br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5G5Awzp6zU<br><br>Also, the only change to Ryu in HDR is the addition of a fake fireball command:<br>http://www.sirlin.net/articles/sf-hd-remix-complete-change-list.html<br><br>Have fun! <br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/82754/Shoopman">Shoopman</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Hey, just bought this game and I’m pretty new to street fighter in general. I have a question about Ryu’s hadoukens and that is: What is the difference between the flaming and regular hadoukens? To me they feel the same, but I’d like to know if they have different startup/recovery times or something like that. Obviously they have different knockbacks but other than that is there any difference that would make one worth using over the other?<br></div>
It’s primarily up to personal preference. Some Ryus use a lot of blue fireballs, some use the red fireballs, others opt to use a mix of both, and some players use certain fireballs in certain matchups. <br><br>As far as differences go, there are a few things to note:<br><ul><li>Start-up, active, and recovery frames are the same between blue and red fireballs. Jab versions of fireballs have slightly better start-up and recovery than strong or fierce versions, but it’s negligible. </li><li>Blue fireballs do more stun.</li><li>Red fireballs knock down on hit (very good) except in certain instances, such as trades. <br></li><li>Damage between both fireball types are the same. <br></li></ul>
<P>Short answer: everything is the same except Flame Hadokens knock down up close (even if you trade, it will still knock down up close). I’ve never heard of Blue Hadokens doing more stun.</P>
So based on red hadoukens giving a hard knockdown, it’s better to use blue hadoukens during a combo?<br>
Strange, why do I recall situations where the red fireball lit them up but didn’t knock down? I’ll have to test this.<br><br>Most people end combos with the red hadoken. Hard knockdowns are extremely powerful in ST. They either a) allow you a chance to whfif a few special moves to build meter if you’re really close to getting super, or more importantly b) give you an opportunity to go for the safe jump or ambiguous crossup, to get an opportunity to land more damage.
<BLOCKQUOTE class=Quote>
<P><A href="/profile/50728/eltrouble">eltrouble</A> said:</P>
<P>Strange, why do I recall situations where the red fireball lit them up but didn’t knock down? I’ll have to test this.<BR> </P></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>That’s because Flame Hadokens don’t knock down from farther than quarter screen range. So you might have seen someone get blazed up after a trade at half screen range, but since they’re too far, they didn’t get knocked down. (Example: Guile does crouch Forward at max range and hits Ryu as he’s starting his red fireball, they both trade, but nobody gets knocked down)<BR>
well, Old ryu’s blue hadous are faster than red hadous, this is just true for Old Ryu ( in case u play in classic mode)