I was told by another member it does not work.
I know for a fact it does work…
Launcher, lp, lk, lp, lk, pause, Hp, HK, pause (wait for opponent to bounce), Shinkuu Hadoken (aim where they are going to bounce).
You could argue its like Guiles back breaker combo in that there are ways to get out of it.
However its a fun combo to pull off.
Dont try on god tiers, but you shouldnt pick ryu if your facing god tiers so thats common sense.
It seems like that pause would break the combo… which might allow the shinku to connect b/c hp/hk wouldn’t cause flying screen if not preceded by another attack… but if they can block or mash a normal during the pause… its not gonna work…
I was told by another member it does not work.
I know for a fact it does work…
Launcher, lp, lk, lp, lk, pause, Hp, HK, pause (wait for opponent to bounce), Shinkuu Hadoken (aim where they are going to bounce).
You could argue its like Guiles back breaker combo in that there are ways to get out of it.
However its a fun combo to pull off.
Dont try on god tiers, but you shouldnt pick ryu if your facing god tiers so thats common sense.
I answered in Jin thread.