Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

It’s his only 3f regular DP with the other one being EX which you have to burn meter for. So if someone does something that’s -3 and leaves them very close or right next to you then you can try to punish with a frame perfect st. jab(which has almost no range) into whatever or mash DP. It does have lower body and throw invincibility so it has some viability as a reversal option. Since it has the least recovery your opponent may not be as prepared to punish it with crush counter. I haven’t used it much but I’ve had it used against me and it throws me off because I fail to punish it right sometimes unless I’m directly looking for it.

Sim seems like it could be pretty bad. The only match I’ve played a lot of, but it’s too early for me to call. I figured out a few counters to things, but I’m not consistent and the Sim players I’m fighting aren’t consistent yet either.

Rather than make a matchup list, I think we should list the things that are hard to deal with and see if anyone has a potential solution

I think it’s worth it to use ex hado or ex tatsu for KDs against crouching characters. Ex fb is also more safe on block, and I think that will bre critical as people figure out punishes for regular hado on block.

Also when fighting a character whose anti fireball move has one hit of armor like Laura or Necalli you can discourage them from using it all the time. Particularly if you see them sitting at a range where you know they want to react to a fireball.

I feel like Ryu’s combo options are pretty bad, especially if I land a st.mp counter hit and they are crouching. I also have no idea what to do after I mp anti air them like I can never time my meaty right.

If you’re close enough then you can link cr. HP into SRK or tatsu for very good damage and good positioning for wake up pressure if you use one of the tatsu enders. If you’re too far away for cr. MP or cr. MK into EX tatsu/hado then you have to look for counter hits into sweep against crouchers.

His options aren’t that great, but not bad either. You just have to learn what combos you need to use for every situation. Unlike in SF4 where you knew every cr. Jab or strong would lead into sweep regardless of the range or whether it hit or counter hit.

st.hk CC is missing after karin’s DP - or I timed it wrong?
lol not like this MU is already hella bad for ryu, but even this

I get that same problem against rashid dp. It’s like the hurtbox shrinks on recovery so st.hk whiffs.

Liangg what do you do vs Birdy, Karin, and rashid?

Those three are giving me an awful time, especially Birdy.

For DPs that recover crouching, just use s.MP to get the counterhit and link into something fat like b.HK for damage if your s.HK is going to whiff.

Heres a match i had against a cammy https://youtu.be/BTbYh-gV0U8

vs karin and birdie
I stay mid range baiting that throw and that fireball avoiding move by karin, let them come to you
its hard to explain I will upload some matches vs high lvl players soon.
I use st.mk quite often, also react on everything with either srk or cr.mp stuffes a few things

edit: fourwude



Lp dp is 3 frames and fully lower body invincible. Mp dp is 4 frames and the only consistent anti air. Hp dp is 5 frames and the invincibility runs out before the first hit so it’s best used for punishes and combos because of the extra 20 damage. I never use ex dp as his super is just too godlike IMO

Does anyone find they get CC for trying to throw fireballs in footsies vs Chun and Bison?

The fuck? How? Did nobody in Europe buy this game?

I get one match per every 5-10 minutes of waiting. I need moar matchup experience! Capcom pls! ;_;

You can input 5HPxxVT so it only comes out on crouch counter just time it slightly late this appears to be a system wide thing as I heard all characters can do it
400dmg500stun if you have meter auto confirms 5HP is relatively safe of block also ryu frame traps are scary

I had read 5f start up somewhere, don’t have the prima guide though. Doesn’t seem too far off either way from what I’ve experienced.

Has anyone had any joy with Ryu’s bk.HP as a mid-range poke? I’ve just been messing around with a pal offline and it catches a lot of mid-range stuff with the second hit. It’s been a sleeper for me 'cos i’ve only been using it as a frame trap/anti-air thing.

4Hk is quite good against low pokes and can be confirmed into super from just outside low forward range

Hi Jericho, here are two ways to do it:

Easy Way:
As the solar plexus recovers, stick should be at down-forward position then plink or press HP. As it hits just slide the stick to down, and down-forward and that should give you your shoryu.

This easy way is useful after a solar plexus since it’s a very lenient hit confirm. HOWEVER, I find that this does not give a good way to confirm to other special moves in most situations. Given that cr.HP is Ryu’s ticket to big damage city, there should be a way to confirm to other special moves when needed:

Best Way for IMO:

As the normal move recovers (cr.mp, st.mp or solar plexus), the stick is in neutral position,
then do a down direction just before plinking the hp~mp this should give you the cr.HP
As it connects, there is enough time to see / hear if it connects to do any of the following special moves on reaction:

You can decide to do an Hado.EX if it’s not safe,
Tatsu.HK for corner carry or a cheap way out,
Tatsu.LK to CA,
or SRK xx CA.

I find that by “segmenting” the moves, it gives a more tactile feedback in making cleaner inputs.

[quote=“JT_LaVi, post:94, topic:175459”]

I got the Prima Guide and it says that startup is 3F with the ability to cancel to another parry with a 1f startup if the first parry is successful.

Good news is it’s got 7f Active…

Bad news is recovery is at a dismal 29f! Not to mention a crush counter state when punished.

Who, in you opinion, would be a good secondary character as a Ryu main

I think it’s a cool tool. Works well with cr.MP. Just position your self pretty close do a cr.MP then Frame trap with a st.HP add HK xx VT then CA for max damage. Should be crush counter most of the time. works best at point blank to about the edge of a jab’s push back distance. Tags even cr.MK

Haven’t tested it with the rest apart from ryu. but if it can CC a cr.MK, cr.MP, st.MP, it should work well as these are pretty standard mid-range pokes.

It has 3 frame start-up – there are two vulnerable frames before it becomes invincible. It’s not very good for guessing, it’s mainly effective against specials that you can react to, and for hard reads on moves where you get a really sick punish, like scissor kicks or Nash’s jaguar kick thing.

You can use it for other things too, like beating certain frame traps if your opponent is very predictable, or parrying a shallow cross-up and then throwing out a standing jab to re-establish control.

I find myself trying to parry things and doing it too early a lot.