Ryu General Thread: Eternal Wanderer

What is the best shimmy for ryu

I’m not the best player but I like st hp > st rh xx VTC tatsu. Can also use cr. mk into buffered tatsu or cr mkxx fireball

F hp into whatever for damage
Cr.mk/mp into tatsu for versatility
HpxxHK target combo for style

Then if you’re into the jab into nothing style like Daigo you can do crouch hp

With v trigger, i go for far mk, activate, st.hk, lkxxxmk tatsu. But you can substitute hp or hk instead.

I’m mostly a fan of cr.mk xx HK Tatsu since upon landing a back HK will cover both rises meaty.

If you can teach them to stand though St.Hk is great as it crush counters from crazy range where they think they can push. Only thing is it whiffs on crouching. Higher risk but higher reward.

What about ryus safe jump on cc? Since they changed the jump frames the video I saw was wrong

When I watch videos of ryu players (tokido, daigo etc) I don’t see a lot of fireballs. In fact I often see more rush down than any fireball spacing.

Do you feel that anti fireball tactics are so strong that its not worth it?

I’m new to sfv ryu, but I was playing a fireball/srk centric game and it was going decently well against players I consider good. Am I just getting away with it?

As of right now I feel that ryu’s worse matchup is Nash, since ryu is forced to play along Nash playstyle which consist of hit and run and that Nash can pretty much counter almost every options that ryu has to fight him. However, this matchup is still somewhat playable in my opinion.

This matchup is more about keeping your ressources as much as possible and not allowing nash to gain V-Trigger quickly while all at the same time putting him in the corner and not letting him escape.

  • Stocking Super for the kill is important in this matchup IMO as you don’t wanna waste your super early in the round as Nash will most likely gain meter and v-meter and use this against you while you have no meter to work with.

  • No Fireball Approach: As Daigo said it himself, I think this is the best approach to Nash possible in this matchup. Throwing fireball from further than mid-range is just letting nash absorb your fireball and letting nash get free v-meter to use against you.

  • V-Trigger: I think this is one matchup where ryu’s raw v-trigger activation has alot of uses. The Reason why I’m saying this is mostly because ryu raw v-trigger activation allows us to react to stuff like Nash v-reversal and v-trigger since it stops time for a few seconds. I’m pretty sure some of you would tell me that its possible to react to both Nash’s v-reversal and v-trigger without using v-trigger. But honestly I think v-trigger helps a ton since it ‘‘slows down the time’’ and allow us to react to Nash’s V-trigger or V-reversal and punish accordingly with either a DP or Super if you have it stocked depending on which side he goes.

Fireballs are powerful, they just not the most effective full time stratagy in some match ups. Bison you want to rush down, Chun Li or Laura you want to zone etc

You’ll quickly realise who’s worth zoning.

What do you guys do to players mixing up back roll and normal quick rise? I feel if I choose one of those options I’m going to get hit by wake up jab. Any input here or is reading how opponents quick rise going to be a thing I should focus on?

Noticing peoples quickrise habits is something I’m trying I’m trying to improve in my own play. After knockdowns, it seems like a basic rule is dash >solar plexus for backroll, dash >axe kick for quick rise.

If timed correctly axe kick covers both rises in some situations.

Not sure if this belongs here but just some quick things to show.


UB fireball is really strong against Karin (with no super) from CC sweep. Her only reversal will whiff and net a full CC punish. It’s best to use the backdash, whiff jab setup because at certain ranges her EX dp will reach. If she has no meter she eats a guard break combo. Good karin players will just eat the fireball but still I found this a good setup to have up your sleeve in the matchup


Pretty impractical but flashy setup vs Karin ex DP reversal on wakeup. You could simply bait and CC but this punish looks cool. Pretty pointless but yeah.


Same as the first video except on Ken. Ken’s EX dp has insane range, this setup only works at max range sweep. You have to manually time the walk back after the backdash. By holding up when blocking the second part of EX dp you can j.rh CH into SPS for a super chunky combo. Might be better to CC into combo, I haven’t checked the number but I think this combo is better (5 heavies in 1 combo :o)

Is there any info on Ryus launcher uppercut they took out of the game?

It looks like a crazy version of the shin shoryuken. The uppercut launches them and Ryu uppercuts their butthole.

  • Was there a name for this move? In the first gameplay trailer Ryu yells “Kurai! Shoryuken!” I think

  • Anyone lucky enough to use it, what was the command for it?

  • Any other properties and info on the move?

It looked so fun in the very first trailer

I don’t remember seeing that move but butthole uppercut sounds amazing.

Anyone finding him a bit boring? Solid but boring.

No he has the sickest V skill in the game IMO. It’s so demoralizing to have something parried/punished.

Parry is easily my favourite thing about Ryu. It rewards reads so well. And t feels so satisfying to parry a wake up DP and then CC into CA.

I need to use it more. I only use it on fireballs. What else do you use it on?

In predictable blockstrings like a Ryu jump in mk follow by stmp, stmp…parry the second standing mp and punish. R mika’s drop kick, Cammy’s v skill, nash moonsaults, etc.

Some more:

Any Vega EX (not command grab) and CA. (Need to test vs CA). Zangief charged St.Hp. Chun Li IA LLs. (That takes a bit of practice for me). Conditioning people to empty jump then eat 160 HP SRK for their troubles. Vs Mika’s ground pound jump in. Cammy Dive Kick. Birdie F.HP. Fang In general. (Need to test that more.)