that worked during the previous betas, for sure during the third beta
I’m still fairly sure it reaches farther. IF anybody wants to do a comparison maybe I’m just tired because it’s late, but booting up the game it’s immediately the first thing I noticed. Like in the Beta it felt as if the tip of Ryu’s foot sort of just phased through cats or it didn’t hit. I’ve gotten a consistent hit every time. If that makes any sense.
nm. I’m an idiot… it seems the same. ;_;
V-trigger Ryu in the corner can do something like this on block->cr.hp>hp.dp>CA -gaurd crush->hp.dp
I’m not a big tech guy so if you guys see anything to improve that would be cool. I think there might be something neat in there, canceling into v-trigger and getting almost guaranteed damage. What do you guys think?
have to be sure that opponent has no vtrigger meter. else he can just V reversal it.
only work with opponent in the corner:
jump hp, st hp, vtrigger, hp shoryu, denjin hadoken, st mp hp shoryu.
guaranted 200 damage.
nice to close a round.
Don’t play with my heart like that
Just use st.MK
I could do that in beta 4 too
Okay so where the hell are my AA buttons? S.hp and c.hp both got nerfed to hell in that aspect.
st. HK still good from specific distances especially vs zangief who got that damn air throw which catches SRK lol I use st. HK
What are his best reaching normals?
f.hp > > = sweep > from longest to shortest i believe. The most practical ones are sweep and is good too but has a lot of recovery, if someone one jumps while you do it you’ll be eating a full combo, kind of applies to sweep too but at least that hits low.
Looking at his frame data in the FAT app, it’s interesting that Ryu’s fireballs now differ in startup with jab hadoken actually being the slowest at 14 and fierce hadoken being the fastest with 12 but also being the most - on block.
In IV they were all the same startup and total frames, but in ST jab fireball recovered faster…so it’s interesting that it’s different in V. It’s almost as if Capcom are saying “full screen fireballs aren’t gonna be that good in this game so here’s a faster startup fierce fireball for footsies!” I wanna see total frames for all the fireballs now…
Since when does he get Crush Countered if he whiffs a parry?
Parry has had counterhit properties on recovery frames since beta. Would parry be too good if he could cancel the parry not just into another parry, but also into a throw? I think it’s sort of whack that you can get thrown out of parrying a jab.
He’s always been in a CH-state on parry recovery, as far as I know.
What are their exact frames on block? I recall them both being pretty bad, but if LP is less negative, then that might affect how they are used in the close range.
also blocking, since it doesn’t even cancel into that
B+hk is really good for people who are above you, like those crossup happy guys. I try to use everytime the distance is right because a CC converts into a tatsu and super if you have meter.
LP Hado recovers fastest, slowest startup, least total frames (45f); HP Hado is the inverse and has the worst frame advantage on block/hit (and most total frames, 47f). VT reduces total frames of fireball by 1. It also has the uncanny ability of making your opponent jump uncontrollably at least twice for a free DP.
Unrelated Thoughts:
My hardest matchup right now is probably Vega. Tips are appreciated. Slide always punishable on block or can it be spaced safely? I know it’s about -13 (as of B3 AFAIK) but I don’t know how many active frames it has. Comes out so fast though, especially in a marginally crummy connection.
Landing a CC is the most satisfying read you can make. Shame we can’t convert with f+hp. I’ve just been going with, xx M Tatsu as a meterless followup (or L Tatsu if I have super stocked). (CC) xx VT, st.hp, cr.hp xx H Shoryu xx CA is disgusting as a full meter dump, but even without CA it hurts.
Seems like EX DP isn’t useful as an ender, only 20 more damage, same stun as H Shoryu (IIRC). Great AA. Maybe it gives you better oki than H Shoryu, doesn’t look like it at first glance though.
Does any one have any thoughts on the Nash matchup so far? I’ve been trying to play patiently and walk them into the corner but he has so many escape options. I’m having trouble anti airing his moonsault even though they seem to love doing it from 3/4 screen after a fireball.