Ryu Combo Thread

I appreciate your post, I really do, Maverick, but there’s much better combos than you listed! :stuck_out_tongue:
Check out the first page, it’s filled with so much goodness.

Right, time to update the first post.

I just learned today how to properly link 2 cr.MKs, so I haven’t really tested the 2 cr.MK combos in an actual match. It’s more likely I’ll not be able to use them. :frowning:

I guess it’s time to improve my Ryu. I’m tired of getting his ass kicked most of the time and having to depend on Juri to save the day. :smiley:

I usually do that combo as I figured that jump-ins are the easiest way to start a combo. I’ll need to learn some ground work if I’m going to face the likes of Guile. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean Cr.Mps, you can’t link two Cr.Mks. :stuck_out_tongue:
You can use them! You just have to work on your spacing and footsies.
Jump ins are bad in general, even in a game like this, where jumping is supposedly rewarded. Try and stay on the ground.

Ah yes. Sleepiness may lead to some blunders sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

My only concern in using cr.MP is that it might be outpoked by jabs. I’ll practice linking 2 cr.MPs into cr.MK as it looks useful. :smiley:

Practice all of the combos on the first page, it will make you so much better. :slight_smile:

Just would like to point out that j.MK, cr.MP, cr.MP xx EX Joudan, jp.HK, hk.Shoryuken deals less damage compared to jp.MK, cr.HP xx EX Joudan, jp.HK, hp.Shoryuken (378 vs 406 gemless). I can’t believe a single additional hit is good enough to scale the damage down. :frowning:

Why don’t you do a Cr/St. hp after EX Joudan instead of just doing HP SRK?

I tried it earlier and it usually misses. Maybe because I did jp.HK instead of jp.HP. If I’m going to end the combo with tatsu, I usually do cr.MK first as it has better reach.

Another problem with cr.HP is if I’m going to finish the combo with a super art and I press a punch button right before executing the super art, EX Hadoken comes out instead.

Go to the first page check the spoilers, there’s a video which shows you how you need to time it.

Ah I finally saw the vid. :smiley:

If I’m going to follow up cr.HP with an hk.Tatsu then that would be good for me to use. :slight_smile:

Isn’t it delicious. :smiley:
Just spend time in training mode, practice your links and most importantly; STOP JUMPING. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found some neat theae past few months things Ryu can do. Ignore this post if these have been found already.

Ryu can link a SPS after a deep j.hk/j.hp/ or counter hit j.mk(timing is a bit weird). So an easy jump in combo would be J.HK, SPS, F.SRK. 348 dmg.

Also, similar to Ken’s Ex tatsu loop, Ryu can use ex-hado to extend juggle combos in the corner. And in pandora you can just loop cr.hp, ex-hado.

Corner: J.hk, cr.hp, L. Tatsu, cr.hp, ex-hado, cr.hp , H. Tatsu- 450 dmg. Or replace H. Tatsu with Super for 574 dmg.

sadly i’ve dropped this game i had so much hope for it but after seeing the ryu nerfs for 2013 and the absurd hugo nerfs i can take no more. Gl to those of you who are going to press on. I think they game had the potential to be great but capcom has done a horrible job at balancing characters.For some reason mid characters are getting hit with the nerf bat harder then the elite characters. You have a whole tier of characters who just can’t compete with the high level charters assuming player skill is close to even. Also TTT2 takes most of my time. I’m likely older then most here but i just don’t have time to dedicate to 2 games.

And yes i’m butt hurt that my fav character is now garbage :frowning:

Just because the hitbox & frame data on some of his normals got nerfed a little so that it’s on the same level as most of the cast doesn’t mean he’s garbage. I mean he can likely still do the cr.mp, cr.mk link so it’s not like Ryu’s lost any combos. He might not be able to punish some moves from a distance like he used to but I doubt it’s all that bad, He can still cancel out of sweep but it being 5 frames was dumb anyway.

M Shoryuken now having 5 invincibility frames instead of 4 is gonna make this a bit of a better anti-air and SPS > cr.HP is a 2-frame link now, something that he can get some damage off of, oh and it’s safe too.

In the long run, I think Ryu’s gonna still be a real good character. As far as Hugo goes, I can kinda understand. Lariat armor start-up now 7 frames is gonna hurt him a lot cause he already struggles getting in and is free to throws on wake-up and with regular throws being 5 frames now, it’s only gonna go from bad to worse for him.

i actually meant hugo was garbage now.

I agree they made some bad balance decesions. Seeing as right now the game is SF vs SF, they nerfed alot of the SF cast. Then they derp around and nothing but buff buff buff for the Tekken side >.>

Most damaging meterless combo I have found (in the corner) is J.HK>F.HP>S.MP>LK.tatsu>C.HP>MK.DK>C.HP>Tatsu

It’s actually pretty easy to get the S.MP after the F.HP just takes some getting used to and if you plink it you should get it most of the time, its really damaging and if you switch after it you can get like half life with 1 meter.

Messing around in training mode and you can do J.HK/HP and then overhead. So some stylin combo would be j.hk>overhead>st.lp>cr.mk>ex joudan> follow up

So Ive been playing around with Ryu in version 13 and his F.HP is amazing now, you can combo just about any normal; after it but timing is strict on some, for example F.HP>C.HP is now possible but it feels like a 1f link. Ryu can do a lot more with this and the combo i mentioned earlier in the thread is much easier to do now :smiley:

One thing I have noticed is that it seems to have more startup frames, before it was quite easy to combo it off of a jump in but now the jump in has to be done quite late.