Ryu Combo Thread

Would it be possible for you to record in the night? I understand that you have real life commitments, but, it would be a great deal of help. As for software, I’m not to knowledgeable when it comes to video editing, sorry.

yea i’ll try to record it later and see how it turns out.

ok first sorry for doing such a horrible job on this vid but if you wait till almost the very end you will that clst.mp,move x links are real. First it was annoying as heck to get the digicam set up. Then after i got it all set up where people could hopefully see the combo counter i hit record and realized you couldn’t see the characters as the vid only shows one side of the screen and they were on the other side. So the majority of the vid is a screen with no characters. Then i got them in the shot but lost my my execution for a short period. I can normally do those combos 100 percent but apparently not today.


Grumpy64, I think those are chains, well from the way they look anyways. They seem to hit too fast to be a link, link’s look slower and timed. Again, I do appreciate your efforts.

Yea they probably are chains but it’s still strange that you can chain something off of a 0 frame move. Also they only work if you do them as quickly as possible. Also links and chains are interchangeable terms to me. I look at a combo as a combo. It’s to aggravating to specify whether each move in a combo is a link or a chain unless someone ask. Plus sometimes i’m not even sure myself. My rule of thumb is if you can mash it it’s likely a chain. Anyway so far the links/chains i’ve found after clst.mp
Are as follows
1 clst.mp,cr.hk
4clst.mp,any donkey kick

Let me help you. I created this short video which I believe you will find useful. :slight_smile:


As for why you can chain 0 frame moves, chains allow you to combo into anything! Zangief can chain into his sweep, but, he can’t link into his sweep. Also, links tend to look slower in general. That video should help you, and, check out the frame data in order to understand why links work. :slight_smile:

so chaining from a zero frame move is nothing new. :frowning:

Don’t feel so discouraged, I still loved your commitment, friend. And, I really did appreciate your efforts. :slight_smile: With your cam you could make a video on Ryu’s hit link hit confirms, as the quality was good enough.

ty for the vid.

I noticed both combos looked like the same combo. I know some combos can only be done via link At least i assume that to be the case as some combos have to me timed. Anyway when doing a combo that can be linked or chained do you turn it into a link by hitting move B as move A connects.

This video should help you. As for my video, watch it again, specifically the second part, you’ll see that it’s slightly slower.


I’m sure it’s nothing new to you but i just found out that you can connect both hits of clstF+HP after a ex joudan. I tried doing ex joudan,clstF+HP,HP srk but the srk whiffed every time not sure if it’s a case of the combo not being possible or bad execution on my part. I haven’t even tried your combo yet but wouldn’t it do more damage if you replaced the cr.hp with a jumping hk?

That is an amazing discovery for tag combos, I only tested it with Ryu/Ken, but I’m sure there’s a world of potential to come from this. Great find. :slight_smile:

PS, I couldn’t land the SRK either, I believe it pushes them too far away.

As for my combo, it only does a miniscule amount more in comparison.

Any tips on consistently linking clst F+hp in to clst mp? I can do it but no where close to 100 percent of the time. I know plinking helps but i’m mainly talking about visual cues. I try to hit mp at the same moment the second hit of clstF+hp makes contact. Some times it works sometimes it gets blocked and sometimes it doesn’t come out at all.

I was practicing this combo myself, how I see it is this:

You see the orange sparks that hits your opponent when the Clst.Hp hits? You want to hit them slightly after the sparks disappear, but before the character is in their neutral position. It’s kinda hard to explain, but, once you hit it a few times you’ll see what I mean.


Hopefully my video will help. :stuck_out_tongue:

That vid helps but how are you hitting far normal st.mp?it has a 5 frame start up and doesn’t become active until the 4th frame and ClstF+hp is only+3 on hit. Also was looking over the sfxt guide and realized that CLstf+hp and the solar plexus strike are the same move. I always though f+mp was the solar plexus strike. lol anyway the best i can do so far is clstf+hp,clst mp,ex joudan, jumping hk, srk hp. does 426 damage

I believe it’s because his Solar Plexus Strike has more on + then the guide hints, even the frame data says it isn’t possible. But, this video says otherwise. I even say Ryan Hunter do a combo with Heihachi that shouldn’t have existed, but it did. Supposedly, some of the frame data is wrong, and I 'd have to agree based off this evidence.

Try dropping the Jumping Hk and do Cr.Hp, HP SRK.

New combo! It’s a link + chain.


What’s the mathematical formula to figure out if a hit will add or take from the over all damage of a combo? I know jabs always reduce the damage but i always assumed medium and heavy attacks added to the damage. Another question can you get anything to land after the following link Cr.mpx2,CR.mk Landing a special after CRmpx2 is easy but when i add the cr.mk ryu seems to freeze up and not wanna do anything

I don’t actually know, I once heard that if you can chain off a link it would do more damage. But for example, if you land 3 Cr.Lps and then go in St.M, St.H, Launcher, the following combo will scale badly. I think it’s the same as SF4, although I’m not entirely sure. This guide should help you understand.


You can land any of Ryu’s specials after that combo, if you’re struggling, just try to hold your stick/pad in a down back motion, and then slide from down back all the way to forward. IE, down back, down, down forward, forward and any punch button.