Ryu Beginners Thread

Just wanted to say thanks all for the detailed feedback – Played about 20 ranked matches last night, hovering right around 1100.

Took your advice and stopped worrying about parry and landing combos except in punish situations.

I think you all are right – just focusing on the absolute basics will get me to the 2k range. I’m mostly losing to 2 things right now, people just playing way more solid than me, and unfamiliar situations that I don’t know how to respond to.

What’s really fun/interesting for me about V so far, that I didn’t really experience in IV is that I’m learning quickly. Example: I was getting blown up by Karins spamming Ressehena for a bit. Finally figured out to just block and punish, and now I can beat that. The learning process feels much faster than it did in IV, might just be because there are way more people who are as bad as I am playing.

That said though, I think the net code is helping. In IV I always felt like I had to get a read to successfully anti air. In V I feel like I can AA on reaction way more of the time.

Quick question about when I get a knock down: Right now I’m either trying to bait out a reversal and then punish (when this is successful I usually win), or trying to meaty f.MP or axe kick. When this is successful it is great, but the following gets confusing: Sometimes I get thrown through this, and some times I get reversaled. When the reversal happens, it is usually OK – that usually means they are going to reversal another time or two, which means on the next knock down I can block and then punish. The timing on getting thrown when I f.MP/axe kick on knock down has me confused tho.


Thanks again all!

The timing on getting thrown when I f.MP/axe kick on knock down has me confused tho.

No really good advice to offer here outside just practicing the timing in training mode, back HK is the most easy thing to beat out wake up throw and jab’s on their wakeup (in terms of timing, so thats what i would go for if i started out) but im a strong advocate of Throw/Neutral jump when your starting out but it sounds like your ready to progress past that, so back HK would be my best advice.

If you’re getting thrown, or jumped out of, backdashed out of, or hit with a normal, then you’re just mistiming the meaty! The only thing that beats a properly timed meaty attack is an invincible reversal (like a DP or super). They can also block, but that’s not really “beating” the meaty, as you’re safe with Axe Kick and st.MP.

You just need to practice meaties more! Go into training room and program the dummy to spam reversal jabs on wakeup, and make sure you can beat this consistently. Throws start up in 5f, so if you can beat a 3f jab you will definitely beat the throw as well.

Awesome, thanks. Same advice I got in the Oki thread. I’ll do this when I get a block of time to play next. I know that when I’m being successful with the meaty axe/f.mp in matches, my chances of winning go WAY up so :slight_smile:

Feels like consistency with that, AA and punishing wiffed specials is probably enough to last me for a while…


There are knockdowns where you can’t meaty in time, forward throw being a good example ( unless you immediate solar plexus, I think that does meaty) . Personally I set the dummy to Back rise then record wake up jab. That way you’re covering the most likely scenario for meaty since if they don’t quick rise it’s easy, but if they do then you know a simple set up. Then either sweep or KD them with a combo and dash up meaty.

Also if you meaty too early you will get thrown because they will grab the recovery of your st.mp ( or what ever button you hit).

A good basic trap is to use a cr.mp ( blocked) but then use a jab next into a fireball.

The jab will score a counter hit and EX FB will connect. It catches a lot of jab spammers which right now is everyone.

Edit: Realised counter hit jab doesn’t connect to regular FB

Standing normals.


I realized that I’ve, to one degree or another, been playing like USIV but with cr.mp replacing cr.mk.

I was playing terribly last night, but did work st.mk in to footsies a little. Nice button, and pretty straight forward on how to use it, though I don’t think it really can convert into a combo?

Can I get some advice on how/when/why to use st.lk, st.mp and st.hp in neutral?

I feel like my buttons (not just neutral here, but what I use in the course of a match) are pretty much limited to:

[] cr.mp (my go to button.)
] b.hk
[] f.mp
] cr.hk
[*] d.hp (mostly when I score a CC on a dp or similar)

And that’s it.

Sorry for the pretty broad question


Thanks all for the meaty advice.

I have been often hitting it too late, and I improved on it last night, even though I played badly in general.

Especially nice vs. Bison :smiley:

Personally I haven’t found a really good use for st.HP yet. It doesn’t seem like a great button. I’ve seen some people use it after a baited throw, but it just feels like cr.HP or other buttons would be better options there.

I think cr.MK is probably just as useful in footsies as cr.MP. It hits low, which is very important in a context where your opponent is probably either walking forward or walking backward. I would use cr.MP when looking to whiff punish at mid-range, or after a cr.LP to retain frame advantage.

st.LK is a very versatile button that you can usually just throw out in the mid-range at very low risk. I think it’s best used as a punish button cancelled into HP Shoryu or LK tatsu, but it definitely has utility in footsies.

st.MK can’t be cancelled into specials or linked from, but you can cancel into V-Trigger, allowing you to follow up, notably with super. It’s sometimes a good idea to do this, especially when you can buffer the cancel.

The hitting low I didn’t think about so much, especially in light of how much I use st.mp and bk.hk on wake up. Thanks!

In this case, is the advantage of st.lk over cr.mp just a speed thing? I.e, there are times when they can block cr.mp that they can’t block st.lk, and st.lk is less potentially wiff-punishable.

Ahhhhh… That sounds potentially confirmable, yeah? Which could be huge…

Really good guidelines to start improve my game, cheers guys :smiley:

You can frame trap with it for Crush Counters and option select the roundhouse target combo to only come out on Crush Counter. This opens you up to some pretty good combo potential if you cancel the roundhouse into V-Trigger, you get a free juggle state. You can do a really tricky jab crossunder reset in the corner into a meaty/throw/left/right mixup in the corner. I personally like doing LP DP into EX DP even if it’s not optimal I just think it looks rad.

How do you OS the target combo? Like hit hp/mk simultaneously?

I messed around with HP yesterday a little, and scored a CC or two, but didn’t know how to followup.

Input the roundhouse with a delay, you can practice in training mode by setting counter hit to random and block to random. Do your HP, then delay, then roundhouse.
Another way to test if you got it is to record an attempt as the dummy, and have it play it back while you block, get hit, and get crush countered by it.

Another note, after a crush counter HP, your only followups besides the roundhouse target combo and v trigger cancel are:
LP/MP/EX DP in the corner
St. LK reset in the corner
Critical Art midscreen or in the corner.

This is why option selecting the roundhouse target combo here is so useful.

AHHHHHH. Thank you!

I’m a beginner, and I’m mostly playing against beginners, so right now I’m winning most of my matches against chars with DPs by getting at least one big CC combo off of a baited/blocked DP and then st.hk into a juicy combo (usually with CA at the end.)

When I was messing around with it last night I was doing it against a dummy set to dp, and I couldn’t figure out any followups.

OTOH, in an actual match I was able to CC a couple whiffed normals with st.hp, and I’m not doing that with st.hk anytime soon, so… The target combo and v cancel bit are really nice to know. Opens up something to look for when screwing around in neutral.


St. HP crush counter also has use against Karin and Rashid whose DPs recover crouching, it’s possible but very hard to get a crush counter St. HK punish. One of the main things I’ve been researching is the best punish for these moves, whether it’s the CC HP into HK V-Trigger cancel combos or just a F. HP, Cr. HP into whatever. There’s so many variables you have to look at in a brief moment when you’re trying to optimize a DP punish. My goal is to create a comprehensive guide to optimizing punishes on whiffed DPs.

If your getting thrown then your attack wasn’t meaty enough.

This timing aspect is what im working on now. I do it by feel. Sometimes I’m right sometimes I’m out. I need a more systematic method.

If some one is hitting you with an invincible reversal on wake up then take the damage (and the data) and try to bait it next time.

Having real hard time with dragon punch canceling into critical arts. On player 2 side I’m fine but on player one I can’t do it. Is the input f, d, df, punch xx qcf punch? I read that as a shortcut in an old sfiv thread.

Its pretty strict timing once the DP hits you have to input the CA. Thing is after DP, all you have to do is 1qcf +p instead of 2 qcf. I think it also works if you just hit the diagonal and not the full qcf.

As far as I can tell, you need two forward inputs at some point or the super won’t come out. My mistake was that I was inputting DP by doing :df: :d: :df: :hp: , then :qcf: :hp: for the super.

Instead, you need to do the proper :f: :d: :df: motion and then another :qcf: :hp:, and it should come out.

Good luck!

I used to have the same problem back when i first picked up sf4 (09’er alert) with the P1 side thing, it does just take practice and what Muaygio says here is right re: input shortcuts. I do still input P1 side differently from P2, i can thrash P2 side CA out in any situation, with P1 it has to be more of a clean, calculated input. Weird.

Just as a side note on this beginners thread, make sure you have your guard crush fireball timings down from CC sweep xx VT, i get it most games and it is a lifesaver. It’s one of the few tools Ryu has that no other character does so make the most of it!