Losing matches because they anti air counter then combo me, not even good full combos, just a few punched but I can’t jump in ever because they just counter then punish, do I have to guess and grab or attack on landing?
I’m confused at what your problem is, are you losing to Ryu’s parry when you jump?
yea i knock em down and go for an ambiguous cross up but they simply counter me and then combo me on wake up
Then your timing is off. Make sure your jump-in hits them meaty when they wake up.
Either you go for a meaty cross-up like the dude before me said, or you mix your cross-up up properly.
Empty jump throw, empty jump low light or medium kick, deep light kick cross-up etc. are all answers for when you know that he’s going for a parry.
From the sound of it you’re being very predictable with your cross-ups and jumps though.