I don’t mind reasonable inputs. To me it’s more of the input lag, shortcuts. And then adding 1f links in as a form of “difficulty” just seemed random with the long reversal window. I like consistent real difficulty myself, not gimmicks.
I have Marvel 3 and I haven’t really put the time in it. The X-Factor is yet another comeback mechanic I don’t care about much.
^ I am down for the count! thats if I actually make it. time will tell:coffee:
speaking of videos, mashed together(lol) a quick montage / hightlight video using whatever clips I could find. I dont know anything about video editing and did this under an hour. enjoy!! :eek:
no its not true. maybe sfxtekken is the ONLY next gen fighting thats anything like cvs2 AT ALL. doesnt mean its the new cvs2. both are completely different games with different game mechanics.
sfxtekken is more like sf4 than anything else. a blind monkey can see that.
I know. I should have worded it differently. He’s on the other end of the country from me, lol. That’s why I said “good luck”. Wish there were more people in on this.
Thank you :). But most of the cvs2 players are in the other parts of the bay area. Theres a few in the east bay with me like shinobi. Im going to try and make it to cvs2 ranbats in sta.
In the east bay, in addition to Shinobi, onikage and MakA both play fairly regularly. LB is going to start having cvs2 sessions on wednesdays as well if you can make those. Lastly, dunno how far you are from Tyram, but he loves cvs2 and would be down I imagine if you hit him up.
put this shit on twitter… iplaywinner will stream cvs2 and kof13 ranbats this sunday …
Leezy has already been coming out … last time ricky ortiz and him played a casual …
rumor has it ricky and some old school friends might join this time … either way we get around 20 people
so the comp should be high
I found a CRT TV outside my place. Now I can play again!
I would like to use my ps3 TE with my ps2, but information is scarce on how to do this mod, and people willing to mod my stick are even more rare. Will someone help me? I have crossed over into using japanese sticks so I can no longer use the behemoth that is my perfect 360 stick with american buttons…
I live in Sacramento now but I do go to the bay area every now and then.