Rugal Strategies and Matchups

that close whiff sounds hot. I’ll have to try that. yahaha

oh yeah, one more thing to note for you K-grooves

from buktooth’s ssytem’s faq on gamefaqs:
79 - Raiden
78 - Geese, Chang
77 - Zangief, Sagat

Rugal 62 - standing close fierce
77 - standing far jab
79 - standing far roundhouse
62 - second hit of low fierce (the part that goes really far)
*77 - overhead low jump roundhouse

this means tick c lk whiff jab won’t work on those guys, but hey, a 1500 instant overhead isn’t bad =P

not sure of any low jump OH properties of his lj mk though, never tried it out, but you guys should test it in training mode and post your results

ok so i have taken rugal back up lately, using rugal cammy r2 geese. pretty heavy hitters all of them. anyways, i found that in K Groove rugall can crush guard really quickly and rushdown pretty well.

from some distance i usually throw a lp reppuken and runn behind it. from there i have a number of options. if they jump over it a usually puts them back. i either:

a) follow it up with x2> lk. genocide cutter.
b)run up (blocked)>tick throw
c) super jump for the crossover
d) (block string) x2> cr.roundhouse>lp.reppuken> more guard crush

for the most part i can mix this up and change the strategy from player to player. also, when i do cr.lkx2>lk.genocide cutter and it is blocked, in K groove, the slight frame advantage that JD’ing gives makes this mostly safe. the exceptions are getting throw by fast walking characters like cammy.

but yeah. i am seriously reconsidering how good he is.
and his cr.hp is godly

I hate to break this to you, but JDing only lets you defend yourself 1 frame earlier

which means a blocked genocide cutter still = you being c mk supered

his c hp is one of his best pokes, yeah, still pales in comparison to blanka’s and sagat’s though, it also doesn’t recover fast enough to give him that many followup options, I only use it for footsy wars

c hk does more damage, comes out faster, and has better recovery, just less range

should add run, stop low jump hk into your rush repetoire, it’s godlier than blanka’s (you can followup with dp or super), c lk lk, lj hk works wonders after you c lk lk c hk them a few times

Would you say K groove Rugal is the best one

K-groove is one of Rugal’s worst grooves. Better off with C,A, or P. I don’t know where N groove would fit in for Rugal probably C, P, A, N, K, S or switch the N and K around not sure.

I would actually have to say that K-groove is probably one of rugals BEST grooves if used correctly and carefully. I have been using K Rugal for quite a while after testing most the other grooves. Your JDing will discourage characters from entering projectile fights and other various long range battles, increasing rugals already dominating long range game. Also (though quite difficult to master) you can JD an uppercut such as ryus or sagats who will quickly learn how powerfull arial JDing actually is. The K groove rage works wonderfully with rugal, if you are anywhere near destroying thier block when you begin it then the rage becomes a match winning device. But you of course must be carefull not to simply attack relentlessly while in rage or you will almost certainly lose against characters such as a good sagat player.

JD is nice but not “powerful” because all they have to do is throw you on your next jump or air grab you if you just JD all your jump in’s. And if you try and JD too many of their poke/GC strings then they can just walk up and grab you. If you wish to toss fireballs all day to keep someone away it only works on people who don’t know how to advance on you except to jump or roll. Rugal has a shitty GC/rush game. Rugal with RC and parry is alot more scarier then a K-Rugal by far. Rugal also doesn’t fair well against High/Top tier characters. Rugal’s zoning is much better then his rush which is why he rated better in CAP grooves then SNK grooves. Hes also not scary without a stock bar and when you become raged people usually just run away from you to waste your bar which is common unless you know how to bait people to make the rage useful.

Im not trying to say that a K Rugal is better than a P Rugal. Just that K is at least a good groove for rugal if you are skilled at JDing and baiting the rage. And also, it is more difficult but I beilieve you can still zone effectively with a K Rugal. To each his own I guess.

The reason I want to know about Rugal is I am goona enter Evo and was gonna use Ryu, Ken and Sagat BUT I am now thinking of using Geese, Rock and MAYBE Rugal.

AlsO I only use K groove, so I am thinking will Rugal will be as good as Geese and Rock

hmm… I guess you should probably go with geese or rock then. There both pretty good in K. But its your decision.

Geese and Rock excel in K-groove, then you have the standard team CBS that you could take to put into your team. Rock is a variety char so if your mix up game isn’t good then you Rock won’t be good. Geese is the GC god, so if you like to rush he won’t be hard to learn, except raging storm. But if your going to use Geese, Rock, and Rugal I highly suggest you use them in this order: Rugal, Rock, Geese (2).

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, thanks

I am using R2 C Rugal. Any advice fighting Mr Bison (Psycho Kurashaaa) ?
His Lp/lk are so fast, I don’t know what to do against him when i get knocked down.

Is it possible to time an RC Godpress beetwen his GC strings? Basically i mean stuff ending with Psycho Crusher or Scisor Kick…

Any advice welcome, thanks^^

You can wake up rc godpress all though I think thats a bit risky for a wake up, you should rc reflector on wake up which is more safer if blocked since the recovery is fast enough from being punished by anything.

K is most definitely NOT one of his worst grooves. he’s actually ok in K. (4th best). A is the one that’s one of his worst grooves, since all it is is a completely butchered C. K is a somewhat butchered N (where he’s actually pretty good in).

you can’t RC between bison’s guard strings (unless he’s doing something really quirky, like ending it with st mk).

bison’s anti air sucks. j mk/hk him all over the place and keep the pressure on him. lp/lks aren’t dangerous at all, just block them. do not RC reflector, it isn’t worth the risk. reflector actually leaves him at 0 frames btw.

bison is one of rugal’s good matchups. when he ends a guard string with a 1 hit lk scissor kick, c/st lk is your friend. if he gets 2 hits on the scissor kick, right away, you reversal c lk -> level 3 him. if he ends with a hp psycho crusher (right away, you know that guy sucks =/), c hp him. if he does a lp/mp one, you stand up and c mk -> godpress -> 10k damage C combo him to death and I promise you that he will never try that ever again.

refer to the wiki if you need anything, I spent hours and hours every week between classes trying to make it as complete and accurate as possible.

Bowser LK>> Well for some reason i haven’t seen that post so i say it quite late, but Thanks a lot!
I read the wiki, which is very very useful. But my main problem as it is said is that it is difficult to anti air blanka properly^^
I often play against a good Kblanka with good jD skills.

The main problem against him is avoiding to be hit with j.HK on guard, which allows Blanka to GC me in no time.
Since I block the jHK, i eat a GC string, then repeat and so on, until i get guard crushed and supered when the dude is raged^^ . The match turns in a Cat/Mouse chase…

So far st Mp is my only reliable option because if blanka goes jMK or JDefend, i can react or at least do something^^ If he uses jHK it will often trade, or be stuffed :frowning:

Far HK is hard to use and has many recovery, so Blanka can slide under it.

The only thing i can do on are random RC god press when he is grounded. But of course this isn’t an acceptable tactic.

Now i am wondering if roll could be good option to evade blanka jump HK…
You evade the hk, and the game reset in some ways. I will test that further because this green shit is cutting my game too much^^
Any advice or tips welcome^^

yeah I only check back to this site every few months or so now since I’m retired =/

anyways, far st hk is the best anti air for blanka. you just gotta react faster. generally you’ll hit him before he even pushes hk. if he’s doing something stupid like early j mk/hk, you’ll probably trade with him. so what you do is this, next time he tries a stupid early j hk? stay crouching (or stand block if you’re paranoid), he doesn’t have his sweep guard anymore, and you can c lk -> anything you want when he lands (c mk/hk if you were being safe and standing blocked)

rolling is a generic anti air that’s generally not considered very good since you’re not hurting them for jumping. which means they’ll just jump in on you all day

on the ground, st lk/mk stuffs most of his pokes. when he stops trying to random poke you, you can try to work on his guard meter with c hk, c hp, or more st mks

c mp stuffs blanka’s c hp clean every time, along with st lp

you should be looking to make blanka stop throwing out random pokes on the ground by doing the above, then getting into c lk range with your uberly fast dash. from here, you can either tick throw with your massive 2000 damage P throw, look to hit c lk xN -> super, or if you feel it’s close, get a GC and do your 10k combo

damn so much stuff to memorize.

i hate been missmatched agains rugal, thats why i updated my team to be balanced with evry character. c yun or joe or/ vega/ rugal

yun to start off strong with the combos and shit, vega to deal with the hard motherfuckers, and rugal thats good overall and for me is overpowered.

the reasons seem hard to understand but its balanced…wtv

The only problem with your team is the Blanka cammy matchup, that are really hard for rugal. Hopefully vega (claw?) can deal with them.