the lk one is also -18 on block(as opposed to the 0 & -1 for the other two) but it also occasionally tags opponents dumb enough to jump away, in addition to being able to armor break.
other silly things i’ve seen(while i’m making a post)
-i’ve had it happen once, where the second hit of j.rk crossed up(it was a mirror against avion, I don’t think hitbox width information is known yet).
if i hit my opponent in such an angle where i cannot combo him with dive kick (say above the leg/waist) will i get thrown, or if i jump will the throw whiff?
I just picked up rufus, and I am having some difficulty with Falcon kick, and hopefully you guys can help me with this.
Does the height of which the kick is blocked, give more or less block stun? I play vs some people who tend to mash out jabs while they are blocking, and I get stuffed by jabs after trying to go into a mixup with falcon kick. Is there anything you guys can help me with?
The hitstun and blockstun is always the same, but the higher you hit the opponent, the longer it takes for rufus to land, giving them more time to leave hit/blockstun.
you have the chance of getting uppercut in the face, or s.lp’d by some characters, so its really gauging the situation on whether to do an immediate divekick, or a delayed
You’re safe to jump again. You can triangle their whiffed throw attempt into a juicy combo.
edit- beaten.
I had a really fun Rufus mirror on live last night. Dude landed QCF KK and went for the FADC into Ultra, but missed. I refused to punish his missed attempt, call it online etiquette, I just let him recover. Then later on I did one mid screen and connected to finish him, set and match .
I realized how fun Rufus v. Rufus can be, and just how deadly mistakes are. I pretended like I was playing myself, and try to bait QCF KK when he has meter, he whiffs I punish and work from there. It’s a really fun matchup, especially with two Rufus’ rushing down and going crazy.
The damage scaling/damage protection in this game is crazy. For instance, you do: FA -> Ultra = around 50%. Then you do: FA xx DC -> Falcon Kick -> c.lp -> EX Messiah Kick + lk -> FADC -> Ultra = around 50%.
The 2nd combo takes alot of practice and timing, and is difficult to do. While the 1st combo takes little to no effort with same reward.
Just something I noticed. It seems the less hits the better, at least when a FA xx DC is involved.
Actually, the second combo is easy to do as well, but the reason that you don’t do it is because it’s a waste of meter for the damage it does.
Usually, if I don’t have ultra when I hit with a FA, I just do close st. fp xx fp tornado to push them towards the corner. It does pretty decent damage.
The hardest combo for me personally is air to air j. hk, ex snake strike(lands in corner), Ultra. And that leads me to this: Since this lands on everyone in the corner, would that also mean this would land anywhere on Boxer, Claw, and Gief?
Anyway, thanks to Frrrrrrrunkis I’ve been practicing that st.LK > st.HP link and I’m getting there and I feel like my Rufus game has gotten a lot stronger because of it.
Speaking of SRK spamming ryu/kens, or 3Frame LP spammers. These are definitely an issue for a newer Rufus player cause pretty much anytime you don’t Dive kick correctly they can just spam out either a LP or SRK you in the middle of your failed blockstring. What is the safest combo for Rufus to do once you are blocked or even hit with your dive kick when playing a shoto like this?
These players are a joke that do that. They can only jab out if you screw up. But if you do screw up you can do QCF KK and that’s pretty much the end of that.
It shouldn’t be a problem unless latency is really bad or something, in which case I suggest you only accept matches with people >3 bars.
Anytime you can lay a hurting on that ball of shit is satisfying.
I try to mash ex messiah during their block strings. If they mess up I get a free fadc ultra combo. If they don’t I’ll continue blocking/getting hit by the string.
About the dive kicks being beat by jabs, it seeems like when you do those repeated dive kick pressure game you have several options. (all of these are after connecting a low hitting dive kick)
1. Do another low hitting dive kick - This continues the pressure and can punish
people trying to throw you, you can also combo off of this if it hits. On a block you can do block strings, more dive kicks, throws and tick throws. However, it can be stuffed by a crouching jab, and various other counters.
2. High dive kick - This option will beat those crouching jabs by landing on the opponent’s head rather than their fist. This is going to be hard to combo off of and you can be punished with throws and probably shoryukens if anticipated correctly. I still need to test this moves combo effectiveness hitting someone spamming crouching jab.
3. Cross-up dive kick - The cross-up dive kick is a very powerful tool, it is very ambiguous especially in the corner. Combo potential is iffy but it is definitely there. Just don’t be surprised if you get hit by shoryuken into ultra.
4. Jumping forward roundhouse - This is just to catch people trying to either trying to neutral jump punch/kick your dive kick, or trying to get away by jumping back. I think that Balrog can jump back safely by doing jump back fierce i’m not sure of the specifics though. Note that this can easily be punished.
Those are probably the main dive kicking options you have off of a dive kick. You just need to experiment with it in different matches. However, I don’t recommend dive kicking Zangief, his hit box gives Rufus some trouble. Rufus’ main pressure game is just mixing it up after his dive kick, you would be surprised how much damage he can do after a few hits and throws.