for console chars, using the same throw 2 dash and
Fei Long (kinda tricky but doable)
there are some chars like chun, claw, gen, rose, sakura that are a special case, they are really hard to crossup but it can be done, the thing is that I havent been able to find a good setup, it seems really random when I cross them up and mostly I end up hitting them in the back of the shoulders but I cant hit them lower…so my theory is that after a sweep you could position yourself so find the right distance and go for it, but it really needs testing
hey guys, I see a lot of people are asking on how they can work on they’re short to fierce link after dive kick so I found this video with input displays and a visual on how to properly plink. Hope it helps!
Yo that video was pretty sweet. But the problem is that my projectiles will just eat that shit up all day. Plinking really isn’t an option when my projectiles are all up in your shit.
Most of the time that doesn’t connect. I would sooner go for a sweep than XX hp tornado. And I don’t know if this also works on Ken, but when you block Sagat’s lp TU he’s in perfect range for a (wink wink, nudge nudge). You can even hit him on his way down to make sure you don’t get TU’d out of your punish.
Standing LK has +3 frame advantage on block. Standing HP is active on the 6th frame. So srk can be entered in 3 frames if I’m calculating right. Either way they have a chance to srk in between.
If they are srking in between and s.hp, you should try to bait the srk by just hitting the Eventually they’ll learn and you can pressure them with and s.hp to galactic tornado.
Even two st. lks back to back have, on block, a 1-frame hole that can be SRK’d. It’s just really difficult, unless you are S-tier at mashing, to get the shoryuken to come out in that frame. It is a one-frame link on hit, correct. The 3 frame hole between st. lk and st. hp means the st. hp will hit someone’s OS or standing tech attempt, if you time it right.
yeah, i do use plinking, but even then i’m not to the point where i can hit it very consistently.
according to frame data, s.LK has a 4 frame startup and +3 on block. however, doesn’t s.LK cancel into itself? isn’t the frame advantage on block greater than +3 then?