Whats up SRK,
This thread will be a post for purchase thread, I will post what I have for sale then send me a PM if you are intrested. I will place a number code next to each image, you can use the code to notify me on which one you are intrested in. I don’t want to get into deep conversation on this thread for that go to this thread as I will post a link on there to this thread as well. my Tech Talk thread is http://forums.shoryuken.com/t/roninwarriors-custom-arcade-sticks/108352 here we can discuss all you want to know about the sticks in deep detail, thank you.
I have a small shop and can only do so much at a time so if you do have a request for a case I will place you on a waiting list and will work them in with the Spider RWX-01’s I’m making.
CaseCode= is the name of the case :example. x-wave
ComCaseCode= is the completed case code :example. RWX-01 spider/back
First Round-
*RWX-01 spider stick
-black, met black, pearl black.
-grey chips, gun metal, silver flake.
-custom colors- any perfect match dulpli-color shade (or if you have a suggestion)
Clear Coat-
-spraymax 2k urethane- this paint will go overtop of anything, unlike lacquer.
- any types of stains or dyes, lacq or enam as well.
Each completed joystick will be different. I will post the details to them when there are ready.
-like= wood type, paint, parts, light up art, light up buttons.
RWX-01 Spider sticks - COMING SOON -
check here to see the prototype. http://forums.shoryuken.com/t/roninwarriors-custom-arcade-sticks/108352page-7
feel free to ask simple questions but as far as {how to} or help go to other thread please
CaseCode = RWX-XW
- 8 button layout (in any layout)
- 2.25 inch tall
- Template size- 14.5 in x 8 in

CC = RWX-AC (Arcade Classic)
- 6 button (in any layout)
- 2 side buttons for pinball games.
- 2.25 inch tall
*14.5 x 8 template.
( this case was a tester case made with hardend MDF and sealed, then primed- very heavy and very solid)- the test was a success