I’ll test it then, it’d be some fast stuff, but no I don’t think he
can go about doing qcf+P x 3 and cancelling it into itself, but maybe just
qcf+P then d.MP.
Think Hibiki’s ground CC after a qcb+LP xx d.LP x 4 for example. Special, followed by normals… Though in the custom it might be considered more of a link than a cancel in that case, but I like to think of it as the former.
You are right though… if Rolento could cancel Patriot Circles, it’d make an awesome chip CC. I’m sure people have experimented on that by now so conclusion they must’ve figured it can’t be done…
Can always ask though.
Funny thought about the knife, I talked to Rokiseph about Todo, and mentioned a nice little trick he can do if he opens up with a chip custom with waves.
Todo’s about in the middle of the screen (just under the timer) Opponent is cornered blocking.
Well, trick is while a fierce wave is hitting, Todo does a slide, and kara-cancels it late before his toe hits the other guy with a jab and does a kara-cancelled far s.HP to command grab.
The kara-canceled slide is only possible because the fierce wave makes the move “count” as a hit.
Akuma’s CC is somewhat similar in the corner with his fierce hcf+HP fireballs followed up with a s.MP immediately following the last hit for added hit count during the buffering for another fierce hcf+HP.
Think somehow Rolento could knockdown (throw whatever) in the corner, throw a knife and as soon as it hits high/deep throw out his fastest poke (hell even j.MP) in the air (so it connects, blocked or not), then follow it up with a d.MK or a slide? I suppose it would work if he mistimes the CC or some dumb shit like that, one time high/low mixup that nails people trying to roll out.
Then again that’s probably more effort than its worth, Rolento in that case should wise up and learn when to set up his “random” activates better.