Rolento Ultra Trials - Trial 20 HOW?!?

I’m trying to crack the puzzle here, but I really don’t understand how to complete Rolento trial #20. I’ve completed all the rest through #24, but ugh.

MD Air Raid -> st.LP -> st.HP -> EX Patriot Circle -> st.HP -> MD Air Raid

EX Patriot Circle into st.HP will cause the airborne opponent to flip out and land on the ground, ending the possibility of continuing the combo
But after the st.HP, the trial wants air raid, or 214 punch -> punch, or that roll back into overhead attack
It will never combo from what I can see. Or I just don’t get it. To me, it’s a good SETUP, sure, but not a combo.

Thoughts?? :’(

You have to cancel the HP in to MD Air Raid. It’s a reset but maybe they decided to teach people trying it some shenanigans he can do.

you don’t need to land the follow up punch, just the cancel into the roll.

Thanks all … I did it and cleared it. Still, that’s really awkward for Capcom to “change the rules” of trials like that!