Rogtown, The Charlottesville,VA Community Thread

Well, certainly less organized. If we started putting ourselves into brackets every week, then we got our selves a good ole fashioned poor-man’s tournament.

Good shit Kirk and John for games last night! Really liking UMVC3

So we have UMVC3 right now, and we got 2 brady guides. Loving this game. Im gonna be running Strider, Hawkeye, Dr. Doom probably :D.

Thanks Alex for coming out this weekend, I’m definitely going to try and make it out to your guys’ games if my work schedule agrees with it. Been playing Wesker/Hawkeye/Spencer in UMVC3 and need to level up

Strider and Doom? 2 S tiers aye!! you pick well… VERY well.

Strider and Doom? 2 S tiers aye!! you pick well… VERY well.

Strider and Doom? 2 S tiers aye!! you pick well… VERY well.

Well I didn’t pick for their tier spot, i’ve always liked doom and strider.

I am just trolling… Lets get some games tonight? aka on the internet or something?

If I find a good deal for UMVC3 this week, I’ll probably get it.

Yeah, I’m home right now. Let me know when you want to game it up. Text me when you want to get on xbox, my gamertag is on my signature. I’ll pm you my #.

I bought all the stuff for HD Recording and streaming so I will be streaming and recording all games so I can get some constructive criticism of all of my games etc…

You sir are always welcome at my house for games of UMVC3 or SF… Aka if you don’t want to buy it just yet

Sweet. I would also love to see your HD recording stuff. I eventually want to do have something to capture HD video also.

I might maybe want to get some games of UMVC3 tonight… I will be stream/recording them etc… Text me with interest.

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Can’t wait for thursday to get some games on I’m off on friday so I may stay a little later than usual.

Thinking about coming out this week, anybody going to be playing UMVC3?

I’ve dabbled in the game a bit. I know the guys from Harrisonburg have been playing it. They usually come. Some other guys have played the game too. Can’t promise anyone knows what the hell they are doing though.

Just played a really close Ft10 vs Corey, and were about a the same noob level. This is great because we’ll all get to learn the game together :slight_smile: