Rogs headbutt overpowered!

Wahhh my combos are too long waaahhhh. Considering combo-ability and utility against zoners (and even that awesome ex rush OS I heard about), his U1 is easily among the best in the game. But HB really isn’t srk level cause it’s mad easy to safe jump. Balrog is a very good scrub killer, especially online, so there’s a lot to complain about at first glance.

Let’s be honest though, what’s the most brain-dead hit confirm in the game that can be mashed into?

Balrog is a very good scrub killer, especially online, so there’s a lot to complain about at first glance.

Let’s be honest though, what’s the most brain-dead hit confirm in the game that can be mashed into?

rog is a beast…there r plenty of scrubby rogs…(im nothing special at all myself) yet 2 b a good rog it doesnt mean mash out argubaly one of tha easiest bnb combos n tha game…rog has alot of powerful combos that a good rog player understands and utulizes he is very dangerous…its 2 many rog haters…he is a solid character and it takes skill (like it does with any character) 2 b good with him period…

Ultra 1 has a shit load of other uses that I think people don’t save it for – Just a straight up punish, for one thing. It’s fucking devestating on its own. And even though it’s AA use if pretty limited, you still might get more damage out of it than you would a Jump in BnB/Headbutt/U1.

I think I learned the alternate uses for it because I was too lazy in the beginning of my playing of Balrog to learn the Headbutt/Ultra 1 Juggle. :chat:

This is so epic xD goin on my siggy

Whats sad is that i think the trolls are losing creativity. its all the same stuff. they used to be funny

balrog is the best ssf4 char.
so u is salty


Balrog’s headbutt? Overpowered?

It has slow startup compared to other reversals and is crazily unsafe on block. A Balrog who spams headbutt is free.


Bad troll.

U Mad.